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kitski 02-18-2007 02:20 PM

ALL things Naruto
I'm surprised that there already isn't that thread:eek:
well it's a thread about new and better naruto and naruto shippuden episode..
you can talk about new episodes here...
naruto shippuden 01-02
i thought that those were really cool episodes..can't wait to see new ep..next week..but what you all thought about the animation..i mean it looked cool in the beginning where there was this new and awesome sasuke..but after that the animation looked bad...:cool:

WoWfinal 02-18-2007 02:45 PM

it was a good eps. but yea the animation was a little bad

jasmine 02-18-2007 03:35 PM

the anime is good if they stick to the manga's original story line it's so great .. but with all these follies they made the anime so silly I cant wait to the new season when naruto gets older he looks much better... sasuke wont look that good though ;)

Shanis 02-18-2007 06:07 PM

The episode was good after all these filler ep :D but you´re right the animation could be better but i think they will make it :cool: ;)

NinjaKasumi123 02-18-2007 08:38 PM

XD i love the 3rd keyword where you can see Kakashi and Jiraiya talking about the ichi ichi paradise.

Harajuku_Pimp 02-18-2007 11:55 PM

Hey, you're right the animation wasn't all that great, but I stll liked it, And I can't wait to see Deidara fight Gaara!

thaiasiangirl 02-19-2007 01:15 AM

:) i like it too .

kitski 02-19-2007 02:49 PM

yeahh..gaara looked so cool too..i haven't read the manga so i'm really exited to see neji and rock lee and others all grown up..that's cool.btw konohamaru sounds like naruto.it was sweet when he told that the sixth hokage is going to be naruto.
what did you all think about new op. and ending. those songs were so cool.i downloaded them but they only are out as short versions..that last like minute and a half.i hope that soon full songs come out.
naruto shippudens ep ended in a really interesting way.i hope that they beat up kakashi and get those bells:p
so exiting..i wanna see the next ep. already :D i want to see naruto's new techniques and sakura's ones too:)

CoolNard 02-19-2007 02:53 PM

i think kakashi-sensei's gonna get more than he's bargaining for lol :P

lehmki 02-19-2007 04:17 PM

yeah i kind a like it too :P.. it was cool an stuff :) but in my opinion the animation was the same a before so to mee its the some and not worser

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