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Mayyosa 07-04-2009 04:14 PM

Lucky Star..}

I like this anime,, who like it? :rheart:

AkatsukiMemberR 07-05-2009 08:02 AM

It's pretty funny, I like it.

hinata2 07-05-2009 08:09 AM

l like it too its funny

komitsuki 07-05-2009 08:43 AM

It proves that in extremely rare cases, Japanese girls could act like old men. Excuse me that I said this.

Aniki 07-05-2009 10:07 AM

Lucky Star is the most boring and annoying anime ever. It has no plot and all they do is talk about random crap. For people who go crazy over kawaii girls, their kawaii looks and their kawaii conversations, but don't really care about anything else, then this show is exactly what they need.

Tsuwabuki 07-05-2009 12:45 PM

I haven't finished lucky star. Hasn't kept me interest largely because of what Aniki has said above. However, it's not that I don't like teenage girls talking about random crap in Japan, it's just that, I happen to prefer the real thing, and hang out with my students instead. Why watch Lucky Star when you can be IN Lucky Star?

Kufufunofu 07-06-2009 02:08 AM

1 of the best
love kona-chan <3

can really relate to me and me friends

QueenNanami 07-06-2009 04:27 AM

Ive been very interested in this anime and knowing more about it. Since i have a ton of people here who have seen it, would you recommend this anime to me? Is it funny? What kind of animes is it like? (I know i should just wiki it, but sometimes wiki doesn't answer my questions and sometimes can make a anime more appealing then it really is.) Is it a Drama or a comedy? XD lol Someone tell me more! *reaches out to cling on someone*

mizuki9san 07-06-2009 04:29 AM

lucky star is damn random..quite interesting anime to watch

Tsuruneru 07-06-2009 04:34 AM

I'm sorry very sorry I'm not used to giving rude comments but this is the worst anime i have ever seen its because of lucky star that I'm loosing interest in anime.

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