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koyuki91 03-15-2007 05:55 PM

Beck: mongolian chop squad
I love beck.
I'm italian and here in italy the anime's episode are just finish.
the manga is at number 6! :P

corlliony 03-15-2007 07:17 PM

im corlliony and i want say there is no reson to sad for ! as gara said you never walk alone !:cool:

RenaiTamashii 03-28-2007 07:45 AM

BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad
I swear, I feel like I am the only one who has read the managa. I am cought up with it here. In america we only have 7 volumes. So please! anyone who has read the managa or seen the anime. Post here! I want to know more people who are into BECK!

Skyraida 03-28-2007 09:29 PM

im lolling at the english dubbed BECK anime...just so horrible xD

Kyo 03-29-2007 12:00 AM

i love beck chiba and taira are pretty cool iv only got book 3 (got it on discount lol) but i do have all of the anime in japanese

NinjaKasumi123 03-29-2007 01:19 AM

the anime was ok. but there's too much american people saying the F words.

Kyo 04-01-2007 04:08 PM

of course most asian people who only kno a little english kno the f word hence why its used so much.

Kyo 04-01-2007 04:26 PM

YAY beck rocks

fleshcut 04-01-2007 11:27 PM

beck was great i watch the entire anime in like two school days i couldnt get enough i am just mad they didnt show more lives

Kyo 04-04-2007 02:29 AM

wow thats better than me it took me 4 days. yea they could have used more lives but the manga goes into more depth and longer so many more lives also im told they make more trips the america to ^_^

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