Originally Posted by robhol
I've been reading some manga lately in order to get some practice in reading Japanese - starting small, I know, but it's a way to read while having fun, so I thought it seemed like a good plan. However, the current series is starting to run out on me and there aren't too many chapters left until I need something else to read.
In short: I'm looking for a manga that's funny, has furigana (they're a must for the time being, I must ashamedly admit) and, preferably, one that has a decent English translation out. That way I can continue with the "system" I've been using until now. (Reading the Japanese version first, understanding what I can and looking up what I don't, and then cross-checking with the translation to see if I got the gist of it.)
Thanks in advance.
If you don't mind blood, then I'd have to say Chibi Vampire(AKA Karin). It's funny, sweet in some places, and it makes you think what if vampires were like this. That's my suggestion. Hope you consider it. Sayonara!!