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QueenNanami 03-30-2007 08:57 PM

Rumiko Takahashi
I've been watching Ranma 1/2 and noticed how different it was from Rumiko's other work Inuyasha. I have to say that i like the older look of Ranma and the characters more. Inuyasha always seems to be repeating it's self but Im not saying it's all bad. Inuyasha has a good story line but they are always doing the same thing. Ranma 1/2 seems more of a comedy then Inyasha seems more serious.
Rumiko is really one to be admired in my book. :D

luna2 03-30-2007 09:00 PM

i really admire her work
wen i has lyk in 4th or 5th grade i did a report on her as one of my idols in drawing. funni thing tho i went frm her bein my idol to miyazaki
but id lyk to meet her somday
really the artwork in ranma(very funni show)got me goin den wen i saw inuyasha i fell for her character seshy!!!

QueenNanami 03-30-2007 09:04 PM

I admire her so much :D I like inuyasha and i always wanted to see Ranma. I finally got the first and second seasons. they are so funny and i love Akane! She's such a tomboy XD

luna2 03-30-2007 09:05 PM

lol so wait u havnt seen lyk wen she and ranma get....
oh so den i shuldnt ruin it for u^^lol
wen i was lyk 6 or 7 i first wachd it
waaaa ur gona lov it!!!!

QueenNanami 03-30-2007 09:19 PM

AH! dont ruin it dont ruin it ! aww i cant wait to watch all of it !! :D My fav Characters are Ryoga and Akane. it's so funny he can never find his way anywhere!

luna2 03-30-2007 09:21 PM

i really think that ryoga's hotter than ranma tho
oki doki iwont ruin it for ya XD
but its so hard not too!!!!!!!

QueenNanami 03-30-2007 09:26 PM

Ryoga is SO much hotter then Ranma.. He's so much nicer too! aww your makeing me want to know bad... lol

luna2 03-30-2007 09:27 PM

lol i knw
akane shuld go wid him!
hey did u see the epi wen ranma was wondern how it wuld be if he was gone?

QueenNanami 03-30-2007 09:38 PM

no im up to episode 58 i think... yeah the end of the third season. i think im not sure :/ i left off before ling-ling and lung-lung

luna2 03-30-2007 09:52 PM

really ok
cuz i was gona tlak to u bout dat epi where ranma saw ryoga in the future wid som1^^

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