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ichigoichie 08-13-2007 03:02 PM

Japanese Manga/Anime influence on your life
Hi! I've often heard that Japanese manga/anime changed concepts about love relationships, femininity, masculinity, even life itself.

For example, KAWAII (Cute)-ness and childishness depicted especially in Shojo-manga/anime have given an alternative to western notion of feimininity which tends to value matureness.

If it's true, I'm so interested in hearing how your ideas about love life, relationships (friendships, family relationships etc), life itself have been changed.

In my case (a Japanese female), I longed for too-much romanticism about love relationships with my boyfriends. So, in many cases, our relationships ended up my disillusion. (But now I'm mature enough to understand that commited relationship has to do with not only romanticism but also other things (pains/hardship/respect/responsiblity etc). But still I love being cute and want to be thought as a cute woman.

How about you?

Shiningmonkey 08-13-2007 06:30 PM

It changed my outlook on life and I tend to exaggerate some emotions like in anime lol:).

darkangelgrl 08-13-2007 08:32 PM

For me I started to watch Inuyahsa.
But after that i was hooked onto Anime.
It did change my outlook on alot of things.
Like now, I try and get into eating Japanese foods.
And also, They do give some good ideas for stories.
I love to write fiction, and poetry, so i use Anime alot for ideas, and inspiration!

zenit 08-13-2007 08:50 PM

Dont know.. anime is cool and everything but its not real, the only thing it was diferent after anime was the number of hours i soent waching tv.

Connor 08-13-2007 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by zenit (Post 206245)
Dont know.. anime is cool and everything but its not real, the only thing it was diferent after anime was the number of hours i soent waching tv.

Yeah, I agree. Its a hobby, full of fictional stories. Though the stories may be life-like, it hasn't changed my outlook on life. Personal experiances have done that, lol.

ichigoichie 08-14-2007 01:00 PM

Hmmm....Maybe I was surrounded by too many Shojo-manga and anime in Japan when I was little. You guys could realize anime/manga stories are just fictional, and the real life is different..... Well, as a child, I was influenced by anime/manga characters /stories too much, perhaps? :confused:

totalSMfan 08-14-2007 05:00 PM

I'd have to say that anime changed a lot of my ideas. I started watching certain ones when I was really small and I still do. But, I'd say that they changed some of my relationship concepts and they're great for story & poem inspirations.

baronchar 08-14-2007 05:29 PM

I think that even though anime is a work of fiction (not counting the ones that are based on true stories) I think that they can still affect you and even change your outlook. I've heard people tell me many times that such and such a book or some movie had a really big impact on them. I don't see why this would be any different. There are many animes that deal with real, important topics and themes.

Personally, a novel had a really strong impact on my view of the world (Atlas Shrugged in case you're curious) so I definitely think someone could be affected by anime.

Yusaime 08-14-2007 05:44 PM

I wouldn't even know that anime exist if it weren't for my bro. but know I can't live with out it. I used to want to be a vet but now I want to create anime and manga! long story short anime changed my goals and life. :marusmile:

Shiningmonkey 08-15-2007 08:28 PM

Anime put a huge change in my life because that is what my career is going to be. I put my heart and soul into my anime.

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