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odonata 12-14-2007 04:53 AM

I have learned that vampires are bad news if they attack you or your friends.
Bullets can be deflected by swords.
Motorbikes are for cool kids.
High school girls are kinky but mad.
The best friends make the most worthy enemies.
Anime girls do not exsist in real life.
Summoning demons in real life always fails in a fight.
When you punch your opponent they tend not to spin through the air and land on their feet.
Eating ramen in competition is far more messy then dining out with your girl.
Japanese girls school physicals are more fun for boys than girls ;)
It is ok to hit people over the head for comical reasons.
Cuteness is equal to eye detail.

I am off to hit myself over the head with various ramen brands for comical effect, bye!

QuoyaNatsume 12-14-2007 02:44 PM

@Tenchu yes I guess I did then. And don't call me sweetie, babe...

Oren 12-14-2007 02:50 PM

I've learnt that Ryuk must be AWESOME in bed if you tease him with apples!

tifa 12-14-2007 02:53 PM

:D that love is only as real as we make it facial expressions are cute men with long hair or sexy and you dont need to be gangster to have a big gun and sword and girls.. breast see to have more bounce that normal

Oren 12-14-2007 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by tifa (Post 325801)
:D that love is only as real as we make it facial expressions are cute men with long hair or sexy and you dont need to be gangster to have a big gun and sword and girls.. breast see to have more bounce that normal

*stands up and applauds*
Bravo!! Well said!!
Specially the part about cute men with long hair
*sighs heavily* Oh Mikami!

QuoyaNatsume 12-14-2007 03:05 PM

I've relised that breast & panties only exist in anime (ex: Bleach, Tenjho Tenge, Neon Genesis, Lupin the third, and the list goes on & on) & that male private parts are non-existant.....and that there is rarely an anime where you have a cold-hard-kick ass bi*tch as the lead protagonist:cool:

tifa 12-14-2007 03:07 PM

SOOOOO TRUE sailor moon was a mix of both..but hardly and girls that kick ass r anything:vsign:

Edrik 12-14-2007 03:54 PM

Weird people...well I learned a few words and particles from both reading manga (scanlations) and watching manga. I also became aware that not all japanese high schools are how they are portrayed in anime. Also that girls aren't really as open-minded about love as they are in manga.

zenit 12-14-2007 04:01 PM

I've learned that heroes can lose massive ammunts of blood(more than their weight even) and still the can fight after 2 days! that goes fore beying pierced 200 times and be ready to fight after good night sleep... And there i was ignotant thinking u would die.. i was so stupid... i know better now thanks to anime, lol

Firu 12-14-2007 04:09 PM

i've learned not to attempt human transmutation...no good ever comes from it lol :rolleyes:

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