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odonata 12-16-2007 01:59 AM

Killing the animators will always result in the end of a series.

electric mice do not exist.

only jesus can walk on water (reputedly)

MazarDantechildofdevil 12-16-2007 02:14 AM

I've learned you can never be as Dimwitted as Naruto...

kyo_9 12-16-2007 02:57 AM

I have learned from Det Conan that people who wears watch on the left side of hand is ought to use right hand on basic use...

DragonShade 12-16-2007 09:59 PM

Tons of Philosophy, and some inspiration on science.

zenit 12-18-2007 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by odonata (Post 327415)
only jesus can walk on water (reputedly)

I've learned that jesus was a ninja... if u see naruto u will see that many ninjas do that.. so that was a very important lesson i have learned.:vsign:

Natsume 12-18-2007 04:58 AM

Well to Quote Desert Punk

"A real man knows when to run like a little bitch!"

So to speak

Kaminogirl22 01-29-2008 03:08 PM

1.That it's ok to pretend to be cheerful and happy (Fruit Basket, Kare Kano)
2.That space pirates have blue hair and love Tenchi a lot. (Tenchi)
3. That saving the world and giant robots were the rave long ago.(Gundam series, Pilot Candiate, Dual and many others that I can't spell right.)
4. That samurai must have a long sword and to show it off every moment. (Samurai Seven, Rurouni Kenshin, Samurai Champloo, Bleach even though it's not a samurai anime per se, but it does have swords in it, and Tenchi)
5. That only kids can save the digital world. (Digimon)

flein1337 01-29-2008 10:24 PM

if there's expensive food on the table, its a trap..(gintama)

Sundae16 02-08-2008 10:23 PM

"If you underestimate the enemy too much, you'll pay for it." don't remember who said it.

And what Kakashi said:"Not doing right when you know it is right is a coward's way." It helped me to do a right thing once for my friend, even though it was risky. And troublesome:p

Hyeah..there are more !

Tsuzuki 02-08-2008 10:31 PM

I learnd that the evil side is pretty cool :cool:
and hope is hopeless lol

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