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Kirogashi 08-21-2007 05:55 AM

Things Learned From Anime
I have put up two blogs on my Myspace page listing things I've learned from anime. So now that I found a place where I'm posting on forums with people who i can familiarize with I want to know some thing you learned from anime. I know here are a lot of anime that people just don't know about so if u post one please put what anime they are from so we can check it out. It's always fun to spread anime around like a drug.

ex: don't drink sour milk before using the transformation jutsu -Naruto

I can't wait to see what u guys come up with.

IamKira 08-21-2007 05:58 AM

let's see.....I've learned how fun it is to hit my little brother over the head anime style like naruto does to Konhoamaru.....:D....not that i rly do it..*shifty eyes*....:D........um, i've learned that i can't give up when i'm a three year ronnin trying to get into tokyo u!!!!...:D

Kirogashi 08-21-2007 06:19 AM

someone's been watching love hina

Kirogashi 08-21-2007 06:20 AM

someone has been watching Love Hina

Touya 08-22-2007 05:27 PM

I've learned that it's not good to piss off a woman with pyrokinetic abilities.

I've also learned that killing the manga artist will stop a story line from continuing.

GamerShojo 08-22-2007 07:10 PM

I learned not to slap someone in the demon kingdom when pissed, because it's a proposal for marriage, Like Yuri did to Wolfram in Kyo Kara Maoh.


Not to eat ramen so fast, because if someone says something embarressing I'll spit it on the cook by accident.

Yuna7780 08-22-2007 07:35 PM

When I started to get into anime and manga when I was in 5th grade I started to learn swears and how to use them in a sentence.

AamX391 08-23-2007 06:26 AM

I've learned that a nosebleed means you've seen something provocatave(sp?)

Kirogashi 09-13-2007 09:51 AM

hey guys check out my myspace page for actual lists and don't be shy about adding me either just send a message as well so i don't deny u by accident.

DarkLight 09-13-2007 11:52 AM

I learn a little bit about spells...
few words in Japanese... and a lot about the colture...

and of cours a sentence i would never ever forget...
"Pain is proof that you are ALIVE" [Loveless].

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