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Saruri 09-03-2007 09:13 PM

Good love-stories
I'm searching for a good anime with a good and nice loves-story in it. Which one do you guys recommend? (I've seen fruits basket until episode 18)

luna2 09-03-2007 10:22 PM

i wuld perfer that
very sweet its short but
really got a bitter sweetness to it^^

Electrasol 09-03-2007 11:46 PM

I suggest these series;
-Honey & Clover
-Ginban Kaleidoscope
-Mahoraba ~Heartful Days~
-Sola [Sky]
-Zero no Tsukaima
-Bokura ga Ita

Yuna7780 09-03-2007 11:59 PM


Must I say more? Maison Ikkoku is possibly the BEST manga I've ever read. This is my all-time favorite story on this earth. I need to re-read it again, but my Maison Ikkoku books have been through so many hands... lol.:mtongue: :vsign: It's even considered an Editor's Choice, so it's really good anyways. :D :p
Hmm... I'm looking at my nearly-all-shoujo manga bookshelf and I'd say that these are all REALLY good (* ones are DEFINATE MUSTS! and # are comedies and romance):
Aishite ru ze Baby ** (those stars are in the title. Not definate must!!)
Skip-Beat *#
Absolute Boyfriend #
Sugar Sugar Rune
W Juliet *
Here is Greenwood (so-so, but shoujo...)*
Alice 19th
Maison Ikkoku *********************
Kare Kano His and Her Circumstances
Somedays Dreamers Spellbound *
Red River
From Far Away
Harlequin Pink series of American romance novels into mangas
Saikano **************

Yeah. Those are some good shoujo mangas!!

RxPhantomWolf12 09-04-2007 12:34 AM

Rumbling Hearts is the best you must see it.

Saruri 09-04-2007 11:46 AM

Thanks guys,Il try to search them up ;)

Vindr 09-04-2007 01:47 PM

Strawberry Panic! :3
^ Yuri btw, but still really sweet and funny.

onexsoul 09-04-2007 11:05 PM

ok a MUST read is Kamichamin Karin, Dazzle, and Faeries Landing, and Pita Ten, Mars (kicks butt!!!) o and Kodocha is a much better manga than anime, i havent seen the animes for these but i HEARD their really good so read the books if ya want!!!

Michieru 09-04-2007 11:17 PM

ok i know that pretty much NO ONE watches this

but i absolutely love it. its a great love story

Ai Yori Aoshi

really try it
the story is really good. heres a quick summary of the beginning

Kauru hanibishi is living in Tokyo going to college living a normal life when one day he runs into a cute girl in a traditional Japanese Kimono, she is desparately trying to get to an address to find someone. he takes her to the address to find it a empy lot. Kauru feeling pity for the distraught girl takes her to his apartment. when he asks for any other clues to finding this person she shows him a picture that is of him when he was a child with his closest friend from that time Aoi Sakuraba who turns out to be the person who is sitting in front of him and is actually there to be his Fiance.

i thought it was really awesome
u all should try it(so i wont be the only one who does)XD

ivi0nk3y 09-06-2007 05:05 PM

I'm watching Marmalade Boy again. Great romance story.

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