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Michieru 09-07-2007 11:11 PM

Anime Vs. Manga
Would you rather Watch the Anime series or Read the Manga Series of those anime that have both?


Which Series do you like the anime better than the manga and which ones do you prefer the Manga?

Aleesunz 09-07-2007 11:21 PM

Hmm I dunnp.

I like both anime and manga, and for different reasons.

Anime - Just to seatdance to the op. themes before watching theem : D

And also, becasue you can eh, see a small portion of their lives acted out for you by pixels

Mangaaa - You can make up the voice+/ colours in yer head <3

Arrrtt *__*~

Most of the time I love getting teh anime and manga of the same thinger though just for the sake of it and sometimes their also different.

Hmm, cannae think of any examples right now apart from Gravitation (XD it actually IS guid so STFU D: )

The anime misses out some main bits in the manga which irks me slightly.

But aye.

Xuande 09-07-2007 11:23 PM

Generally I prefer anime over manga but sometimes mangas do have alot more story in them than the anime. For series like Naruto and Bleach though, I definately prefer the animes.

Michieru 09-07-2007 11:25 PM

Huh. i like the Manga for Naruto better than the anime

unfortunately i havent watched enough bleach to be able to judge for that

but mostly i perfer Anime

my Imagination gets too tired thinking about how im gonna rule the world someday to create voices for Manga

Xuande 09-07-2007 11:42 PM

Well, I know that the manga for Naruto didn't include all the filler episode stuff but I thought that most of the filler episodes for the anime were pretty cool. Some animes do have cool music too and thats another thing that mangas don't have. I also think that animes tend to do better at comedy but then again I have also seen some pretty funny mangas.

SeeD 09-07-2007 11:42 PM

all Tohru Fujisawa titles like GTO, Shounan Junai Gumi or Tokko rocks more in manga then in anime imo ;D

Xuande 09-07-2007 11:45 PM

Yes, the GTO manga had alot more stuff in it than the anime.

Touya 09-07-2007 11:57 PM

Trick Question.

The anime generally has less details then to manga for example Naruto, Ranma 1/2, Negima, Chobits, I could go on.

However, for those that are too lazy to read, or flip through the pictures zoning in on a tv screen would be much more convenient.

I personally always read the manga first then watch the series. Just so I can "get" what's not said or missing.

ILOVEJAPAN 09-08-2007 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by Touya (Post 228844)
Trick Question.

The anime generally has less details then to manga for example Naruto, Ranma 1/2, Negima, Chobits, I could go on.

However, for those that are too lazy to read, or flip through the pictures zoning in on a tv screen would be much more convenient.

I personally always read the manga first then watch the series. Just so I can "get" what's not said or missing.

Many people preffer to read novels before they watch films for that same reason

ILOVEJAPAN 09-08-2007 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by Xuande (Post 228822)
Well, I know that the manga for Naruto didn't include all the filler episode stuff but I thought that most of the filler episodes for the anime were pretty cool. Some animes do have cool music too and thats another thing that mangas don't have. I also think that animes tend to do better at comedy but then again I have also seen some pretty funny mangas.

I think people somtimes find anime funnier because the filler episodes are meant to be funny. There isnt as much filler in manga because filler is meant to allow the manga to catch up to the anime.

ILOVEJAPAN 09-08-2007 12:40 AM

Ok, time for my personal opinion on the subject:

I almost always like the manga better than the anime.
Somtimes things are cut from manga Not just in terms of plot, but also, some things are just too violant or sexual to be aired on TV.

Also the manga usualy was writen first, so its the artists original vision.

Although I dont mind if some things are changed or made diffrent in the anime version. I like seeing new and original material, although I am somtimes disapointed if a scene from the manga, that I liked, is cut out.

christa 09-08-2007 01:29 AM

the anime because it is moving and in color.

Kokari 09-08-2007 03:43 PM

I prefer the animes than mangas, too. I believe it's better with colour and sound. Maybe the animes have less story in them, but they can be more attractive.

ivi0nk3y 09-10-2007 02:42 AM

Both. Depends if I feel like reading and using my imagination or whether I wanna sit back and watch it all done for me (more or less) :D

pandayanyan 09-10-2007 02:45 AM

i think it depends on which one we are tlaking aobut... i like naruto and fruits basket as manga better than their anime counter parts but with some i like the animes better it depends on what the story is and how it plays out. In my opinion more comical/ deep stories like naruto or full metal are done better in an anime setting where manga has more drama and romance.. my opinion.

QuoyaNatsume 09-10-2007 06:46 AM

yeah thats true they can get more in depth with the mangas then they can on tv with animes because u never know who's watching thats not suppose 2

Shiningmonkey 09-10-2007 08:02 PM

I prefer manga. Bleach for example is slightly better than the anime which is also amazing.

Himechan 09-10-2007 08:13 PM

It depends on the show for me.

Examples would be InuYasha and Black Cat

InuYasha the show [insert vulgar language], but I think the manga is okay. It's more bearable.

With Black Cat, I can't stand the manga's art style >< But I love the anime, it's one of my favorites for sure.

So it kinda depends...

ILOVEJAPAN 09-10-2007 09:58 PM

I keep reading posts with people saying that they need to use there imagination when reading manga. This is somthing I dont understand. Manga isnt suposed to have color, or sound, so why imagine them? Is it really necasary? Unlike novels, the pictures are all there, so there shouldn't be a lot of thinking involved.

SailorNemesis 09-10-2007 11:46 PM

My opinon
I think that the manga is better since you have more to the story and the person who designed it wanted it that way. With the anime you often miss little parts but, for instance, with Sailor Moon you are missin lots of scenes and charaters in the last season (Sailor Moon Sailor Stars) so it's kinda dissapointing. Also with the Anime you are missing lots of explainations. Again, with Sailor Moon the anime doesn't explain who Sailor Cosmos is and you only see her for 30 secs anyways. In the manga you find out way more than you could've guessed on the anime.

DarknessDescends 09-24-2007 09:52 PM

I prefer anime, because it helps me learn Japanese. If I want to do that with manga, I have to read it in Japanese and sit and look up the words (and sometimes the kanji too) - but I do that anyway sometimes of course. But when you use manga/anime in a way of studying, anime is more fun.

silversoraryuu 09-24-2007 11:42 PM

i like the anime better because u can sit back and relax. u can also close ur eyes and listen when ur sleepy n_n! anyway you get to see what the artist imagined in there mind. and you get to see how they talk and phase stuff.

DarknessDescends 09-25-2007 12:12 AM

Well anime is also more "alive". When it comes to anime/manga, I don't have a problem choosing anime before manga, but if we would compare books and movies, it would be different for me. I would probably always pick the book instead of the movie.

kitsumekat 09-30-2007 04:42 AM

I like them both but, more manga

bloodsinger 09-30-2007 05:46 AM

I like anime better as it got a lot of effects and more emotion.

AryaSyailindra 09-30-2007 09:29 PM

well for me, i prefer anime

but sometimes i have find the manga edition are better then the anime edition
like Samurai Deeper Kyo, i prefer the manga edition

Rogozhin 09-30-2007 11:03 PM

I prefer manga over its anime rendition. The manga not only provides good reading material but is also straight to the point, whereas most anime have a nasty habit of protracting scenes and being melodramatic (not to mention, displacing manga scenes with pointless fillers). Having said all that, I do enjoy watching anime now and then.

animesnowangel 10-26-2007 02:27 AM

i think anime has more detail and it takes less time and you dont have to buy the book,s you can just watch em for free online...legally or illegally...lol

DEATHPANDA 10-26-2007 02:37 AM

It depends, you could have an awesome series like Gantz, where the anime doesn't really follow the standards of the manga. Or it could be like Love Hina, both the anime and the manga are awesome.

Kai13 10-26-2007 02:15 PM

I prefer reading the manga to watching the anime, but I also love to watch the anime. For example, I love FullMetal Alchemist, but I think the manga is more funny than the anime, that's why I prefer reading the manga. One thing that I love in the Animes is the voice of the carachters, in the USA, I love the voice of Edward Elric in the serie (USA).

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