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Wednesday 11-26-2017 12:20 PM

Kenshin author has child porn scandal
Nobuhiro Watsuki is the mngaka behind "Rurouni Kenshin" and was said to be charged for the posession of child pornography.

I found sources in English that seemed to be right at the start after the Japanese articles. However, I would like to know if someone finds articles from Japan where the issue is confirmed?

RadioKid 11-27-2017 01:50 PM

Yahoo japan reported the news for example.


(In Japanese)

Wednesday 12-05-2017 06:24 PM

I don't speak Japanese. Do they confirm the Information? Meanwhile they say, the Videos were of children under the Age of 13.

RadioKid 12-06-2017 08:49 AM

Yahoo! Japan reported :

”読売新聞の報道によると、和月さんは10歳代前半の女� ��の裸が映った動画を収録したDVDを複数所持した疑いが� ��けられ、本人も容疑を認めているという。”

"According to YOMIURI (Japanese major news paper), WATSUKI is suspected to have DVDs which include movies of early teen girls and WATSUKI agreed with the suspect."

As I do not want to search google for this issue (google might recognize I am interested in such issues), I will not follow this issue no longer.

KanKa 04-11-2018 04:45 PM

I would like to see this all in English. What did it all end?

RadioKid 04-14-2018 04:38 AM



In November 2017, police allegedly found DVDs with footage of naked girls in "early" teens in Watsuki's Tokyo office. Tokyo Police raided Watsuki's home as part of an investigation into the purchase of child pornography. The search allegedly uncovered DVDs containing videos of naked girls less than 18 years of age. He was referred to prosecutors over possession of child pornography on November 21.[21][22] In response, the serialization of Rurouni Kenshin: The Hokkaido Arc was put on a hiatus.[23][24] In February of 2018, Watsuki was fined 200,000 yen.

isisbathory 06-13-2018 10:28 AM


I had no idea, if he is indeed guilty, I hope they cut his balls off.

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