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Shaelyn 09-30-2007 05:27 AM

One Piece - 4kids VS FUNimation
I don't know if many of you guys watch One Piece on Cartoon Network; I only do once in a while when my b/f has it on.

anyway, I saw the new (for the US) episode tonight...evidently FUNimation acquired the license for One Piece from 4kids, and a LOT has changed. What do you think of the changes? discuss!

AryaSyailindra 09-30-2007 01:37 PM

One Piece ^^
Well im One Piece fans too

even one of my hobby are translating one piece anime from japanese subtitle to english and indonesia subtitle :vsign:
you can see it in animesoftsubs.com its a free site cause its a fansubs

next month the One piece episode 326 will comes out

the previous episode are cool

Eichiro Oda are really an amazing person, to made an amazing anime like this,i really admired that person :D

Shaelyn 10-01-2007 06:21 AM

heh, totally not what I was asking...but ok :vsign:

Kyousuke 10-01-2007 07:51 AM

I think its better than before. The original voice acting was bad. kinda sounds too animated. also i read in newtype that other people were complaining about the voice acting.

1PirateKing1 10-01-2007 04:35 PM

i havent seen funimations version but i know i hated 4kids

Shaelyn 10-01-2007 07:33 PM

heh, 4kids tends to butcher anime - if there's nudity, rather than giving the characters a paintover, they'll cut out entire scenes that are vital to the plot, so the episode will jump around and not make as much sense. ...aaaaand sometimes they'll even cut entire episodes from the series.

the voices...eh, IMO it's debatable. I think the new Sanji doesn't fit - the old one had a certain charm / smoothness that the new one's lacking. ...and Chopper's voice doesn't change at all when he gets huge? that's kind of...odd.
the rest of them are pretty much improvements, and suit the characters well (the majority of the old voice cast WAS bad). but at the same time, especially with Sanji's change, the new voice cast as a whole is kinda...generic, run-of-the-mill. so...I dunno. it could be better, but it was still done pretty well.

...and no more choppy episodes. YAY.

MarkDuff 10-01-2007 10:43 PM

I like cartoonetwork and I love One Piece I is a kick-ass show and I watch every time I get a chanse, but I missed last saturday because of a marching compatition and I my school got first place.

ivi0nk3y 10-03-2007 12:40 PM

I dunno about One Piece but I know i'll always be impressed with the work FUNimation did with DragonBall Z :D

Shiningmonkey 10-04-2007 08:22 PM

I've never seen the origional japanese one piece but I wanna and yeah the funimation did a pretty good job with it. Most of funimations stuff is good, especially Bleach. It is funimation right? correct me if I'm wrong.

wbslngr 10-04-2007 08:25 PM

:[ I don't really like One Piece. Seems kinda silly sometimes. No offense.

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