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robibita 10-06-2007 03:31 PM

Hello! I have recently moved here in the states and i would like ask how i can download anime episodes with english subtitles.. It seems this is no easy task! Maybe you guys know a website i can use or if it is possible to downloand from this site how to do so! I appriciate everyone's help!! :)

ivi0nk3y 10-07-2007 01:58 AM

Torrents are normally the easiest way to do it nowadays. Get a program like Bit Torrent. I use something called Bit Tornado, personally. You can google these and download them for free. U Torrent is also another popular one. (the greek letter mu.)
Then you basically find a Torrent site for the Anime you want to download.
For example, Dattebayo are quite popular. So here is their site:

dattebayo fansubs, LLC

Once you go there, select a Torrent (file) you want to download. For example click "[DB] Naruto 219" and save it on your computer.
It is a small file size for now. (remember where it is saved.)
Find this file on your computer and double click it. It will open in your Torrent program you installed earlier and the Torrent will start to download. When it is complete, you will have the complete file on your computer.

Don't worry if it doesn't seem fast at first, an old Torrent normally needs some time to connect to people you can download from. These are called Seeds. The more Seeds there are, the faster your Torrent will download.
Anyway, all you need to do once you master this, is find fan subbing companies and their Torrent websites, like the one above.
Psychlo-Anime, Live-Evil, [RG], are some other well known ones and they all have different Anime to download.

Happy downloading :vsign:

El2IN 10-07-2007 02:02 AM

Sadly... the only one I know how to download is OHSHC. Sorry...
And G'luck. :vsign:

animesnowangel 10-27-2007 04:26 AM

absolutely great website for all anime and you dont even have to downlaod the episodes, you can just watch em for free!!!!!! it great. animeviewer.net


remember that .net

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