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Kitaooji 06-11-2007 04:19 AM

I'm reading everything in Shojo Beat and Shonen Jump magazine.

I'm also reading Ranma 1/2, Kare Kano, Death Note and Ichigo 100%

YukiCross 06-11-2007 04:42 AM

so far im reading
  • vampire knight
  • absolute boyfriend
  • yume kira dream shoppe
  • milennium snow
  • inuyasha
  • merupuri
  • skip beat
  • love*com
  • beauty pop
and i think thats it 4 now...i read almost eveything in shojo beat

KenjiShinoda 06-23-2007 04:43 PM

Love reading manga....the ones im currently/have finished reading reading is:

Eyeshield 21
Full Metal Panic
Rorouni kenshin
Saiyuki & saiyuki Reload

Paramore 06-24-2007 01:00 AM

Sea princess Azuri
Gentlemen's Alliance
Absolute Boyfriend
Death Note
Crimson Hero
Azumanga Daioh
i think that's it..... yuppers!^_^

wolfrainvn 06-24-2007 04:36 AM

The only manga that i read is Hunter X Hunter, mainly bacause at the end of the main anime series that when it get good and it suddently stop:mad: !!

So i have to read to manga!!! but now the author is sick for some reasons so he stop doing it:mad: !!! Man, i hope he get better so i can have more of it!!! :D

ilovedaisuke7 06-25-2007 11:39 PM

So far i've only read Instant Teen, Zodiac P.I. and Sailor Moon. But right now im reading Sailor Moon again, because i read it along time ago, and i need a good refreshing of it!

VictoriaRose 06-26-2007 06:57 AM

Manga I'm Reading:

Melty Blood
Wild Adapter
Katekyo Hitman REBORN!

elricsurvive 06-26-2007 06:04 PM

Manga i read
Anything published in SJ Magazine(except 4 Shaman King-Thank God it's leaving)

ScarletKitsune 06-27-2007 09:54 AM

Im currently reading the naruto manga, and a few other manga's I find at the library :p

mishasu 06-27-2007 09:22 PM

i really wanna get into ah my godess too. is it any good ?

coz i wont bother buying it if not,that happend to me once

also would like to get into fruits basket any one give me an opinion on that?

but at the min I'm reading:
sword of the darkones (which i wudnt rekomend)

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