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CPU 07-07-2007 02:07 PM

Battle Angel Alita

lordyu2006 07-08-2007 03:03 AM

I'm reading Kamikaze, Air Gear, Saikano, and Negima...

tinyjrocker 07-15-2007 05:28 AM

Right now I'm reading:
Gentlemen's Alliance
God Child

And that's mostly it. The manga I have on my shelf are either finished, or I'm not really concerned about getting volumes and am taking my time. I have a few uncompleted series. I just finished DEATH NOTE which I am very happy about.

Away 07-15-2007 06:07 AM


Originally Posted by NarutoX (Post 11388)
so what manga(s) are you currently reading
i read
One Piece
the new chapters

You said that you have read or are reading "one piece". I just want to ask,
have you been able to read all the books in the "one Piece" series? Cause i can only get up to book 15 in shopping centers and i know that there is a lot more of these books. i am really enjoying them. i will probably look on 'ebay' in the end for the rest of the books.

Daydreamer 07-15-2007 06:16 AM

How does it end.

Originally Posted by tinyjrocker (Post 178931)
Right now I'm reading:
Gentlemen's Alliance
God Child

And that's mostly it. The manga I have on my shelf are either finished, or I'm not really concerned about getting volumes and am taking my time. I have a few uncompleted series. I just finished DEATH NOTE which I am very happy about.

Does L find and arest kira in the end.

I am almost done with it but I want to Know how it ends.:quesballoon:

tinyjrocker 07-15-2007 06:19 AM


Originally Posted by Daydreamer (Post 178969)
Does L find and arest kira in the end.

I am almost done with it but I want to Know how it ends.:quesballoon:

Do you really want to know that? I'm not sure you should spoil it for your self, but if you want I can tell you.

There would be two spoilers in the questions, something about L, and who it ends.

Daydreamer 07-15-2007 06:33 AM

Tell me
Please tell me.:pompoms:

I am dying to know.:whiteflag:

How old are you? curious):puccasmile:

tinyjrocker 07-15-2007 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by Daydreamer (Post 178979)
Please tell me.:pompoms:

I am dying to know.:whiteflag:

How old are you? curious):puccasmile:

Alright then......


Well you saying does "L arrest kira"....L dies.
His successors Mello and Near go on the pursuit to get Light after his passing, in the end Near reveals Light to be kira in front of the Japanese task force and his men, Light dies at the hands of shinigami Ryuk.SPOILER ENDS!!

That's a random question, I'm fifteen, sixteen next month. May I ask why you may want to know? Not trying say that meanly or harshly or anything.

By-the-way, just wanted to mention in your sig you spelled 'once' 'onece'. Just letting ya know.

Daydreamer 07-15-2007 06:47 AM

You know that you got me mad. I am really smart so for you to tell me that I spelled some thing wrong is realy harsh.:mad:

I just wanted to know. I am a very curious girl.

By the way I am 14 years old, nice to meet you.:ywave:

tinyjrocker 07-15-2007 06:50 AM


Originally Posted by Daydreamer (Post 178982)
You know that you got me mad. I am really smart so for you to tell me that I spelled some thing wrong is realy harsh.:mad:

I just wanted to know. I am a very curious girl.

By the way I am 14 years old, nice to meet you.:ywave:

Ooh~! Sorry I didn't mean to get you mad, I apologize, just wanted to let you know, I'm not saying you aren't smart. I do that alot in forums. I'm hope I didn't offend you deeply.

Well I guess I'm happy to tell you, even though you read a spoiler, seeing the chapter well be soo shocking, because what goes on during this and how a certain character acts is a bit surpising.

Nice to meet you too, though I'm sorry again for making you mad.

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