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Daydreamer 07-15-2007 06:56 AM

I forgive you
You are really nice.

I hope we can become Friends.:rheart:

tinyjrocker 07-15-2007 06:59 AM


Originally Posted by Daydreamer (Post 178984)
You are really nice.

I hope we can become Friends.:rheart:

You are aswell, I just feel bad for making you(someone) mad soo soon. I just joined today, LOL.

We can! No worries!

I just hope not to make anyone mad in the future.

Daydreamer 07-15-2007 07:03 AM

You know I am a really calm person I was just playing with you.

I am also new here and I really like make new friends.:pinksong:

tinyjrocker 07-15-2007 07:08 AM


Originally Posted by Daydreamer (Post 178987)
You know I am a really calm person I was just playing with you.

I am also new here and I really like make new friends.:pinksong:

Oh really? You were playing around, *haha* I couldn't tell.

I thought it abit strange being told your were mad at me, then saying 'nice to meet you'. But I still thought you were mad, but nice at the same time.

Well I'm glad to know I didn't really make you mad.

I think it'll be easy, everyone seems nice here from the threads I have posted in, so friends probably will be easy to make since your nice too, and have a sense of humor *haha*.

Daydreamer 07-15-2007 07:12 AM

I do have a sence of humor.:p

why do you think I have a lot of friends at school.

I am also a really good listener.

So you have a really good friend on the other side.:pompoms:

tinyjrocker 07-15-2007 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by Daydreamer (Post 178993)
I do have a sence of humor.:p

why do you think I have a lot of friends at school.

I am also a really good listener.

So you have a really good friend on the other side.:pompoms:

LOL That's a good thing!

I see, I guess you may have some good jokes too? I need a good laugh right about now too.....j/k

That's also good aswell, cause that's an essential thing in friendships.
LOL Everything is good!

Daydreamer 07-15-2007 07:20 AM

Well you must be bored with me by now.

PS:I live in florida and you can talk to me at [email protected]

since you are nice you must be cute.:lovecat:

tinyjrocker 07-15-2007 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by Daydreamer (Post 178998)
Well you must be bored with me by now.

PS:I live in florida and you can talk to me at [email protected]

since you are nice you must be cute.:lovecat:

Well I'm gonna go soon, I have some shows to watch.

Uhh~ I guess..... I'm not too sure anyone who is nice is cute, not sure that's always the case. lol

Daydreamer 07-15-2007 07:26 AM

I ment on the inside not the exterior:ywave:

tinyjrocker 07-15-2007 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by Daydreamer (Post 179001)
I ment on the inside not the exterior:ywave:

Oh~ I see.

Well I have to take a break from my PC for a moment to watch anime on Adult-Swim(Cartoon Network).

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