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Gwen_Goth 11-30-2006 06:52 AM

i read quite a few online mangas, and a few OELMs, these are my faves;
Aoi House - inked by same person as Love Hina
Clone Manga - quite a few on this site actually :p beware the elfin leid and sakura fanfics o___0
Friendly Hostility
Boy Meets Boy a lil yaoi if you didnt guess ;)
Seraph Inn - beautiful art ^^
Chugworth Acadamy
Guests in Purgutory

i set all the links the most recent posts, sorry, you'll have to delve into archives yourselves ;)

i read a whole lot more, but i just dont have a life ;)

halleychan 11-30-2006 11:26 AM

I've read many manga and currently , there're:
NANA (very good! Icry when read it >__<)
Katsu (lovely, ne?)
I'm waiting for the talks of Meitantei Konan, Kaze Hikaru, XXX Holic and Tsubasa Resevoir Chronicle.
The J- comic strips that I love the most:
-Monster (Naoki Urasawa)
Rurouni Kenshin (Nobuhiro Watsuki?)
Hajimechan ga ichiban ^^ (Taeko Watanabe) - I love Etou Akira +_+

capt_cardor 11-30-2006 03:41 PM

Whats Negima, my friends keep on telling me its a good read, but they never tell me what its about -.-

Well, "Magister Negi Magi" is the title in Japan. In the US it is Negima. It is about a ten year old British boy genius who has completed his degree work in Magic in England and is sent to Japan to teach at Mahoro Academy. (Harry Potter?) The students are thirty one girls, so this definitely qualifies as a "harem" naime. It is by Ken Akamatsu who wrote and drew "Love Hina", so it is on the sexy side. This is not the anime for anyone under fourteen, but it is very funny and only sexy in an innocent way.

This is another anime that is being heavily merchandised. The DVD's come with cute Figumate "super deformed" characters if you by the limited edition.

It is available as a manga and is currrently being issued as a DVD anime in the US. They are up to Vol. 3.

kitalia8807 11-30-2006 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by Avary_Ninja (Post 11549)
"Mahou Sensei Negima" (Magic Teatcher Negima) is a manga by Ken Akamatsu (Love Hina) that's basically riding on the Harry Potter wave.

Negima is a 10 years old teatcher of magic arts in a Hogwarts-like college and he's in charge of a class of 30 all-girls students.

Basically it's a crossover between Love Hina and Harry Potter.

oh okay! thanks.

Vesperd 12-01-2006 02:27 PM

oh i recently got Kingdom hearts manga, the 2nd manga ive ever read

xalways_dismalx 12-01-2006 07:10 PM

Ruroni Kenshin

RyuuTaizen 12-01-2006 11:19 PM

Bleach, Naruto, Busou Renkin, and some Deathnote. All great manga.

Riku8 12-01-2006 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by Vesperd (Post 11813)
oh i recently got Kingdom hearts manga, the 2nd manga ive ever read

kingdom hearts manga??? wth i neva knew such a thing existed

kitalia8807 12-01-2006 11:47 PM

now im onto Furuba or is it Furuba?
Fruits Basket love it. and still doing marmelade boy.

Vesperd 12-02-2006 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by Riku8 (Post 12100)
kingdom hearts manga??? wth i neva knew such a thing existed

my sister got it from a store called tokyopop.. i think its down central london

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