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XjhonnyX 12-19-2006 03:29 PM

im reading Tsubasa and Yotsuba

dark_kinight 12-19-2006 09:46 PM

And I`m reading Naruto and Bleach xD

Harima_Hario 12-19-2006 10:45 PM

im currently reading berserk. its my fav manga ever, every page is a work of art.

Maha 12-20-2006 02:43 PM

I'm reading a lot of manga's now

Cardcaptor Sakura
XXX holic
DN Angel
Alice 19th
Meru Puri
Fruit Basket

SamuraiAlchemistNinja 12-20-2006 02:51 PM

oh I also read...that one...aphrodite-san what was it called? the one that I read at the park?

Alcest 12-20-2006 03:00 PM

i'm reading one piece, i love it hehe

Kazumi 12-20-2006 04:40 PM

I'm currently reading the Yu-Gi-Oh manga for the first season.

SamuraiAlchemistNinja 12-20-2006 04:47 PM

my brother has got some of the YuGiOh mangas I read them way back before I even knew the meaning of the word "manga"

Kazumi 12-20-2006 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by SamuraiAlchemistNinja (Post 16509)
my brother has got some of the YuGiOh mangas I read them way back before I even knew the meaning of the word "manga"

I see! I kinda start to read the manga not too long from now.

Kat09 12-20-2006 05:29 PM

d.n.angel it is the best!!!!!

Natchan 12-20-2006 05:57 PM

Currently reading-
Death Note, Naruto, Tsubasa, Air Gear, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Hellsing!

MasterHien 12-20-2006 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by Kat09 (Post 16535)
d.n.angel it is the best!!!!!

haha i second that
episode 25 was SAD when that girl get stab by the sword

aphrodite 12-20-2006 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by SamuraiAlchemistNinja (Post 16469)
oh I also read...that one...aphrodite-san what was it called? the one that I read at the park?

i have no idea it is in french

Despamania 12-20-2006 11:02 PM

Fushigi Yugi-Genbu kaiden
Tsukuyomi moon phase
Girl got game

That's all I remember now XD; Tho I know there is some more! o.o

Kuroneko 12-21-2006 05:18 AM

Im currently Reading Black Cat ( I have been for sometime) Im still trying not to read the Yomigana and trying to read the kaji. s

Some others

Hikaru no Go
and Bleach

Kanji_The_Wanderer 12-21-2006 05:09 PM

That's cool, I've been wanting to read Hikaru no Go for awhile !

Kuroneko 12-21-2006 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by Kanji_The_Wanderer (Post 16759)
That's cool, I've been wanting to read Hikaru no Go for awhile !

Its really good for a strategy game manga. (I have to read the English ones though, too many difficult Kanji :D ) It makes me want to play Go.

CrimsonNataku 01-10-2007 05:37 AM


Originally Posted by Kuroneko (Post 16796)
Its really good for a strategy game manga. (I have to read the English ones though, too many difficult Kanji :D ) It makes me want to play Go.

I forgot the website, but there is an online Go server which allows you to play virtual go on the internet with those who are logged in. You can also just play with the computer but that's no fun. ^_^ I used to play on that server, but I stopped after I got a new computer... (A little lazy ^_^; )

I love playing go, I just don't know anyone who wants to play me (even when I let them win...). I have a real go table and everything ^_^

Manga I'm currently reading? Does this mean all the manga I'm currently reading?

Absolute Boyfriend
Death Note
ES (Eternal Sabbath, not to be confused with E's)
Ghost Hunt
Her Majesty's Dog
Initial D
Kare Kano
Kaze Hikaru
Samurai Deeper Kyo
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Shaman King

...I think that's it.

Kuroneko 01-10-2007 05:54 AM


Originally Posted by CrimsonNataku (Post 21260)
I forgot the website, but there is an online Go server which allows you to play virtual go on the internet with those who are logged in. You can also just play with the computer but that's no fun. ^_^ I used to play on that server, but I stopped after I got a new computer... (A little lazy ^_^; )

I love playing go, I just don't know anyone who wants to play me (even when I let them win...). I have a real go table and everything ^_^

I love Go too but I really suck at it. I use to play online too. I also played with a Japanese man (my home stay father) a couple of times and thats what kind of got me in to it. He also had Hikaru no Go manga in his hospital down stairs for reading.:D

CrimsonNataku 01-10-2007 06:02 AM


Originally Posted by Kuroneko (Post 21266)
I love Go too but I really suck at it. I use to play online too. I also played with a Japanese man (my home stay father) a couple of times and thats what kind of got me in to it. He also had Hikaru no Go manga in his hospital down stairs for reading.:D

I'm actually not really that good either, I just end up playing people who tend to make silly/stupid moves. I used to have a friend who could play go really well, and I would practice and improve my strategy with him, but he moved away, so I'm pretty sure I've gotten rusty. ^_^

aphrodite 01-10-2007 01:05 PM

at the moment im reading Fullmetal Achemist than i will be reading Trinity blood and bleah when my order comes in

SamuraiAlchemistNinja 01-10-2007 01:11 PM

I just started reading SCRYED, and I'm on #13 of Furuba.:D Yay for me!

aphrodite 01-10-2007 01:13 PM

^aka fruit basket freak

princessdabby 01-11-2007 07:31 AM

right now im reading Ouran high school host club and tsubasa reservior chronicles...i was reading fruits basket but i gave up on collecting them...i dont have enough room on my shelf to hold them all :crykitty:

Kanji_The_Wanderer 01-11-2007 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by princessdabby (Post 21715)
right now im reading Ouran high school host club and tsubasa reservior chronicles...i was reading fruits basket but i gave up on collecting them...i dont have enough room on my shelf to hold them all :crykitty:

Then I think it is time for you to buy a new shelf! :D

koaku 01-11-2007 04:34 PM

Right now im on My new Bastard! the Data Book originaly this book is for the newbies of the manga but that for my collection lol

and Beks 15!!!Xcellent

princessdabby 01-12-2007 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by Kanji_The_Wanderer (Post 21760)
Then I think it is time for you to buy a new shelf! :D

I should.....nah...too much trouble >.>

Yajithan 01-12-2007 04:14 AM

Naruto - Ch. 264 (Pt. 2 is awesome)

Bleach - Ch. 207 (Arrankaku are also awesome)

Shaman King (For the 3rd time)

D.Grayman - Ch. 76

Finishing up Dr. Slump

Kanji_The_Wanderer 01-12-2007 04:21 AM

D. Gray Man is so cool! I like it a lot.

Is it one of your favorites?

fuu 01-15-2007 05:15 PM

I'm reading......

Fruits basket, Dnangel, Saiyuki, Naruto, Hikaru No Go, Tsubasa, XXXholic, Genshiken, just finished Cresent Moon, Immortal Rain, Negima, and Claymore. With that list it looks like I have alot of time on my hands. I don't really. I guess I'm just a book worm.

deadthinker 01-15-2007 06:08 PM

im currently reading peacemaker, bleach, xxx holic, chobits, battle royale, fruits basket, dears and saiyuki
and there all great he hee

InnocentSpirit 01-15-2007 10:07 PM

I'll currently reading Pastel by Del-Rey and I''S by Shonen Jump. Both are nice and I love the characters so funny!

Harajuku_Pimp 01-15-2007 10:08 PM

+Anima V1, it's cool!

direnchasity 01-15-2007 10:21 PM

Nana, Fruits Basket. all that girlie fun stuff. :)

Maku 01-15-2007 10:26 PM

Bleach, RahXephon, Battle Royale, Golgo 13 and Trigun

deadthinker 03-02-2007 04:35 PM

i have quite a few on the go but mainly wallfower at the mo ^^

JapaneseFire_Kyou 03-08-2007 05:59 PM

Fruits Basket

moocow49 03-09-2007 12:42 AM

I'm reading Akira. It's my first one. Are all manga in black and white?

Kuroneko 03-09-2007 12:44 AM


Originally Posted by moocow49 (Post 62328)
I'm reading Akira. It's my first one. Are all manga in black and white?

Most but not all. sometimes they do a reprint (specialty or Limited addition) In color.

drakenjecht 03-13-2007 11:41 AM

wa i am reading
~deleting deleting~

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