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DarkNeko13 12-05-2007 12:47 AM


Originally Posted by SiSick (Post 317623)
I am reading Death note (getting through it rather well) I literally just got into D.N.ANGEL today, which seems like a pretty interesting story to get involved into. :3

DNAngel is Awsome You Should Love it!!!!!! just don't worship it like my friend did...

Yanchi 12-05-2007 01:02 AM

i'm currently reading :

Black Sun, Silver Moon
Millenium Snow
Gentleman's Alliance Cross


Powermad147 12-05-2007 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by Avary_Ninja (Post 11549)
"Mahou Sensei Negima" (Magic Teatcher Negima) is a manga by Ken Akamatsu (Love Hina) that's basically riding on the Harry Potter wave.

Negima is a 10 years old teatcher of magic arts in a Hogwarts-like college and he's in charge of a class of 30 all-girls students.

Basically it's a crossover between Love Hina and Harry Potter.

but far more awesome than harry potter...Damned harry potter, trying to take christmas away from jesus >.> Sorry, inside joke ;)

emkaann 12-06-2007 12:14 AM

i am currently reading:
Happy Hussle High
Boy Princess
Azumanga Daioh
Kingdom Hearts
Aishetruze Baby
Rurouni Kenshin
Boys Over Flowers
Aquarin Age Juvenile Oiran(eep! bad spelling)
Nodame Cantabile

i have alot of free time

LawlietsGirl 12-06-2007 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by NarutoX (Post 11388)
so what manga(s) are you currently reading
i read
One Piece
the new chapters

godchild, cain saga, nana, vampire knight, absolute boyfriend, naruto, hikaru no go, bleach, death note, yuyu hakusho, yu-gi-oh! gx, and angel sanctuary. many titles, as you can see, but i hope to read more manga soon! XD

Enkidu22 12-06-2007 11:56 PM

Many of them, but I'm really into GTO.

Ravnesort 12-07-2007 05:56 PM

Fruits Basket
and Full Moon :3

timo 12-08-2007 03:51 AM

I am reading volume 6 of two series: suzuka and gunslinger girl; both very good, I think.:)

Zer0 12-08-2007 03:54 AM

Lol i remeber when I first started posting I posted here and its still around

samokan 12-10-2007 05:59 AM

still trying to finish the Nodame Cantabile manga and One Piece.. which reminds me need to check if there is a latest release of One Piece manga :D

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