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tsukimoon 11-20-2008 03:20 AM

I'm reading Skip Beat~

tylersangle88 11-20-2008 07:41 PM

I just got done reading +Anima (The best manga ever!)
I am currently reading Death Note (Not as good as +Anima, but still awesome!):rheart:

Pexster 11-20-2008 08:31 PM


anyhew im reading Wallflower.

magicalgirlj 11-20-2008 10:23 PM

amazing agent luna
I love that manga so much

Mikachii2202 11-22-2008 03:07 AM

im currently readin bleach i think... yeh im on like the thirteenth book my friends lending mee more bleach roxs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GentlePrincessJC 11-25-2008 11:31 AM

Reading Strobe Edge 4 :rheart:

Mikachii2202 11-25-2008 11:57 PM

ive never heard of gravatation? is it any good right now im reading fruit basket and like the 16th book of bleach its getting pretty good :D

GentlePrincessJC 11-26-2008 01:47 AM

37c boyfriend.

GentlePrincessJC 11-27-2008 01:11 AM

Skip Beat Xmas Special

aleen13 11-27-2008 01:15 AM

I'm currently reading Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro and Bleach :D(newest chapters)

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