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jasmine 03-13-2007 12:15 PM

fruit bascket: it's getting darker stareted very nice
naruto : I started reading it monthes ago and now reading every week's new chapter, it's getting intersting again finallr
fullmital alchimest: the greatest so far, still waiting for the next issue
tsubasa reserver cronical: I don't understand most of it but the story line is nice
black cat: I preffer the anime

IndigoBlack 03-13-2007 01:07 PM

Immortal Rain
Death Note

Hisuwashi 03-13-2007 07:16 PM

My friend recommended Gantz. so I read a bit of that.. does anyone know it?

SakuraSan 03-13-2007 08:02 PM

Well mangas aret the cheapest over here =/
Maison ikkoku,but im only on the second one its £6 for a Maison' book,Ai yori aosi £7 and Fruits basket like 8 pounds...

I think its too expensive =[

Rikku777 03-13-2007 08:41 PM

Manga is cheap for me...I just am to lazy to drive through the traffic to go get it, lol

Black cat
Gin Tama
Dragon Drive

onigiribou 06-10-2007 02:39 AM

Right now, I'm reading The Gentlemen's Alliance Cross and Ouran High School Host Club.

jass15 06-10-2007 03:32 AM

Naruto, Bleach, Inuyasha, FullMetal Alchemist (waiting for new chapters of those 4), Neon Genesis Evangelion (haven't watched anime version), and Elfen Lied ( just watched the anime...but is it exactly the same as the anime version??..I'm at the beginning...)

gn1225 06-10-2007 04:34 AM

Im reading Death Note vol.2

scen 06-11-2007 03:39 AM

The manga's i'm currently reading are,

King of hell
Jing, king of bandits
one piece

online mangas:

one piece
blue dragon

anyone else read manga that they actually buy?

scen 06-11-2007 03:41 AM

and i also read bleach which i prefer to the anime, the anime of it is getting crap

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