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ILOVEJAPAN 10-22-2007 04:02 AM

Elfen Lied
This show just came up on another thread so I thought I would start my own thread for it.

First off I must say, this sereise left a huge impression on me. It's one of the only shows thats ever made me cry (twice actualy). Its just such a buetifull show and it has some really deep messages, that I would like to live my life by from now on (sorry if i'm sounding a little over-dramatic).

I'm sure some of the people who are reading this are going "Psshh I saw the first 10 minutes of that show and it was just trashy violance, gore and nudity"
While I will addmit that I did enjoy the violance and nudity (and its one of the things that attracted me to the show in the first place) its NOT the only thing you will get out of this show.

If you watched the first episode and thought "Umm...I'm not much into violance and gore, I dont think I will watch this any more" Then PLEASE continue watching. There is so much more to the show then just the violance.

Although, If you watched the first episode and thought "Ewww...I dont really think I can handle this..." Then as much as I think you are missing out, you probably should stop watching, because the brutality does not subside after that, it just is'nt the main focus anymore.

This. show has some of the most buetifull animation and music I have ever seen/heard, and you can see where the influences come from. The opening theme is a bunch of pictures of the characters from the show inserted into famouse paintings, like Gustoffs "The Kiss." And for the music, they took several psalms, and verses from the latin bible (the song "Lilium" is in latin), and added a tune that is meant to sound like a greagorean chant.

The show itself was based on on a german poem by the same name (well actualy it was based on the manga by Lynn Okamoto, but the manga was based on a german poem).

Here are a translation the lyrics (provided by wikipedia):

At night in the village the watchman cried "Eleven!" (A pun: "elf" means also "eleven" in German)
A very small elf was asleep in the wood -
just at eleven! -
And he thinks that the nightingale
must have called him by name from the valley,
or Silpelit might have sent for him. (Silpelit is a character's name from an opera of Mörike's, "Eduard auf dem Seil")
So the elf rubs his eyes,
comes out of his snail-shell house,
and is like a drunken man,
his nap was not finished;
and he hobbles down, tip tap,
through the hazel wood into the valley,
slips right up to the wall;
there sits the glow-worm, light on light.
"What are those bright windows?
There must be a wedding inside;
the little people are sitting at the feast,
and fooling around in the ballroom.
So I'll just take a peep in!"
Shame! he hits his head on hard stone!
Well, elf, had enough, have you?
Cuckoo! Cuckoo!
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elfenlied"

Ok, so here is why I talk about why this sereise meant so much to me, and if you actualy read through this far, then I aplaude your patiants.

If you have seen the show, then maybey you see how the poem simieler to the anime. Like the poem, the anime is a dark tale of human cruelty, and prejudice. It potrays people as cruel, selfish, weak, cowardly, and afraid.
It shows that people hate/fear/think they are above anything and anyone that is diffrent from them. Because people fear what they don't understand, they turn to violance and cruelty. Weather people descriminate against other races, religions, sexual orientations, beleif systems, people who are diffrent, creatures that arent human, homleless people on the street (etc)

Some people hate Lucy for killing so many people, but in my opinion most of the people she killed were heartless monsters, that deserved to die. And I cant really blame her after how she had been treated. So I can only feel pitty t'words her and nothing else.

Ok, so now Im rambeling on about how tragic and depressing the show is (and to the people I havent yet lost, I love you and you all deserve candy, just keep reading a little longer, Im almost done) but the really meaningfull parts of the show was how the characters managed to find so much joy, happieness, and people cared about them, after they had experienced such painfull, misereable lifes for so long.

potential spoilers (although not huge ones):

and the fact that Kouhta (lead male role) was able to still see some good in lucy after she had done such horrible, unforgivable things to him, was just so touching to me I actually had to cry (although Im embarassed to addmit it).

spoilers over:

These themes of there being some light at the end of the tunnel, even for people who are past redempetion, were really buetifull to me, and make me want to reach out to people, and help them.

Agh...there is sooooooooooo much more to say about this show but I dont want to torture all of you who are kind enough to still be reading this, so I will just wrap things up by saying: If you havent seen this show watch it. If you have already seen it, please tell me what your impressions of the show were because I really want to descuss it with somone.

Gunslinger 10-22-2007 04:19 AM

I realy wanna see it...im gonna go buy it now ^___^

ILOVEJAPAN 10-22-2007 04:33 AM


Originally Posted by Gunslinger (Post 273806)
I realy wanna see it...im gonna go buy it now ^___^

I hope my long rambeling (that may have counted as a reveiw?) helped.

Gunslinger 10-22-2007 04:47 AM

sure did ^___^ i dont think i would have picked it up otherwhise^__^

ivi0nk3y 10-22-2007 08:27 PM

Elfen Lied is truly a tragic Anime if ever there was one.. don't watch if you are prone to suicidal tendencies lol.

ILOVEJAPAN 10-22-2007 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y (Post 274265)
Elfen Lied is truly a tragic Anime if ever there was one.. don't watch if you are prone to suicidal tendencies lol.

Yes, but after all the tragedy there is hope, which is why I loved it so much (I have a loooooong excplenation, if you take the time to read the first post)

Danierux 10-22-2007 11:18 PM

I'm watching ep 5 now. Wow its such a great story!! Thanks JF for the recommendation :)

alchemistchild 10-22-2007 11:22 PM

yeah, the series was very good.
Only thing is it didn't really conclude, besides saying that the human race is doomed.

Danierux 10-22-2007 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by alchemistchild (Post 274443)
yeah, the series was very good.
Only thing is it didn't really conclude, besides saying that the human race is doomed.

Thanks for telling us the ending haha

ivi0nk3y 10-23-2007 03:27 AM


Originally Posted by ILOVEJAPAN (Post 274437)
Yes, but after all the tragedy there is hope, which is why I loved it so much (I have a loooooong excplenation, if you take the time to read the first post)

There's hope but only in morals, but not for all the characters ;/ That is why its so tragic since they had to go through so much for the viewer to even understand what the morals are. People are also sucky at realising the morals in this kinda Anime.
I personally found it an amazingly beautiful concept that something portrayed with so much innocence, like Nyuu/Lucy is a lure for all the bad in the world. The fact that shes so naked and unaware of it as Nyuu, and indifferent to it as Lucy, reminds me of an avenging angel, out to teach the bad shit in society a lesson. This can't be said for all the Diclonius kids because their personalities are different but their killing abilities and conscience are related to how their personalities are effected by their surroundings.
Its a shame Nyuu/Lucy had to kill some innocent people as well, which only made her more sorrowful and less appreciative of her own worth :(

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