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Sutiiven 10-24-2007 02:28 PM

adoption thread
i would say either kakashi or demon eyes kyo

Yorichan 10-24-2007 02:52 PM

1 Attachment(s)
i'd look like kinda like this, but with purple hair and eyes.......

DarkNeko13 10-24-2007 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by Tsuzuki (Post 276124)
Tsuzuki from YNM or Seto ...

I like tsuzuki! he's funny and has the cutest eyes when he's happy or sad:D

Powermad147 10-24-2007 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by Yorichan (Post 276194)
i'd look like kinda like this, but with purple hair and eyes.......

Awww...nice cat girl =P My imaginary anime self and your imaginary anime slef should hook up! xD Jk, jk ^_^ Only time my immaturity shines through is when i'm making hook up jokes =P and all the paces I use :D

DarkNeko13 10-24-2007 10:46 PM

is she from an anime or manga? i see her everywhere and use her pic in RPGs and stuff she's awsome

Narutocrazy101 10-24-2007 10:48 PM

(i cant past Mother @#$%er) Whatever. I would look a lot like shikamaru off of naruto. and maybe Zero off of Vampire knight

Powermad147 10-24-2007 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by DarkNeko13 (Post 276576)
is she from an anime or manga? i see her everywhere and use her pic in RPGs and stuff she's awsome

Seriously ,I wonder that too. Doesn't it seem like all the really cool looking characters are really hard to find, or aren't from anything at all? 0_o

DarkNeko13 10-24-2007 10:52 PM

i had a hard time figuring out who Dark was a few years back when DNAngel came out! but this girl surpasses that by a million!
oh! narutocrazy101 shikamaru is kinda hot!:D i get called wierd because i think so but you have good taste!

Narutocrazy101 10-24-2007 10:59 PM

i dont have good taste. my friends acctuly say i look like him really.:D

DarkNeko13 10-24-2007 11:04 PM

okay then
your hot!:D

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