Originally Posted by armonokiataya
i'm looking for someone to teach me Japanese so that i can relearn it, and i am willing to help with learning English.
私は、それを再び学ぶことができて、英語を学ぶことで 助けることをいとわないように日本人〔日本語〕を私に 教える誰かを捜しています。
(sorry if the translation is wrong. i had a free translation site do the translating)
(翻訳の場合には遺憾であることが間違っていて、私が� �由な翻訳サイトに翻訳をさせました)
I'm only learning Japanese too, so I don't know if I'd make a good teacher at all, but..one thing I learnt a long, long ago: never use free translation sites, they lie most of the times and if you aren't familiar enough with the language, you will be mislead and in the end you've done much and much of work just to hear from a Japanese-speaking person that everything you know is wrong. So, to prevent that from happening to you, don't trust free translation sites. Always suspect them and believe what they tell you only if you can prove it to yourself that it's telling the truth. That way you'll learn more, too.
But, now that I came in here, perhaps I could be of a help for you with the actual studies. What would you like to know? Or more importantly, what do you know so far?