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LolitaLover 02-22-2008 04:09 AM

Japanese Audio CD?
does any one know any good japanese audio cd's to learn off of i have been listening to some on the net but cant find any good ones and i wanna try get 1 off rapidshare haha i just want to learn the basics to start off with

Ambro 02-24-2008 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by LolitaLover (Post 406930)
does any one know any good japanese audio cd's to learn off of i have been listening to some on the net but cant find any good ones and i wanna try get 1 off rapidshare haha i just want to learn the basics to start off with

Try to find Pimsleur speak and understand japanese.
I use that one and so far its been a great help.

martshi3 07-16-2008 09:47 AM

If you are unable to find that CD. The Japanesepod101 podcasts available on iTunes also teach you alot quickly.

Hackimoto 07-16-2008 10:51 AM

Try this site
Learn Japanese Online : Japanese Girl
they used to do podcast lessons but I'm not sure if they do anymore.

Nikko 07-17-2008 01:13 PM

oh...since it's here is the ipod ones you can buy in the shop any good??
cos they are a lot cheaper than the dvd's and cd roms so I wasn't sure....

oh Hackimoto!! Talksushi is pretty good so far! :pinkclap: arigato gozaimasu :pinksong:

Hackimoto 07-17-2008 05:19 PM

You're totally welcome.
The guy in the audio files might be kinda hard to understand because he's a New Zealander.

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