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Kajitsu 04-09-2008 06:36 PM

Impress your friends with these words!
I'm posting some unusual words and phrases here, in case anyone needs to impress someone with their language skills ;) I know only English, but other languages are welcome.

First we have my favorite:
Floccinaucinihilipilification - the act of deeming something worthless

Tortuous - do not confuse this with torturous! - full of twists and turns, basically complicated

Inevitable - I know some of you may know this, but I love this word and thought it deserved a place here - cannot be avoided

Aargh... I'm drawing a blank here. I'll remember more later. Sorry for not having a longer list.

zubakusugar 04-09-2008 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by Kajitsu (Post 454658)
I'm posting some unusual words and phrases here, in case anyone needs to impress someone with their language skills ;) I know only English, but other languages are welcome.

First we have my favorite:
Floccinaucinihilipilification - the act of deeming something worthless

Tortuous - do not confuse this with torturous! - full of twists and turns, basically complicated

Inevitable - I know some of you may know this, but I love this word and thought it deserved a place here - cannot be avoided

Aargh... I'm drawing a blank here. I'll remember more later. Sorry for not having a longer list.

inevitable is quiet common isn't it? or maybe it's just used a lot in Sweden's eng class.
I'll never be able to pronounce that Flocc.. wow XD

zoneoni 04-09-2008 07:34 PM

when i was a kid they use to teach us this word by song, it has a tune but i dont remeber it now


it was a fun kids song lol, but i dont know what it means, if i had to guess id say "love" maybe.....shrug* if you think about it, lol

"the sense of speedy fragilism expressed in emotion...." maybe...lol

Slykaz1 04-09-2008 08:23 PM

OMG! :eek: I was thinking the same thing :D

You don't hear these either. They were on SAT's.

perplexed : puzzled, confused

sordid : filthy, dirty.

Kajitsu 04-09-2008 08:56 PM

Okay, but I still love inevitable...

I forgot Perturbation, which is something that causes agitation.

Perplexed is on a what?! I thought those were harder than that...

chaseme 04-10-2008 02:20 AM

i have a hard time pronouncing inevitable

MMM 04-10-2008 03:28 AM


Originally Posted by Slykaz1 (Post 454778)
OMG! :eek: I was thinking the same thing :D

You don't hear these either. They were on SAT's.

perplexed : puzzled, confused

sordid : filthy, dirty.

Those aren't that uncommon.

Nyororin 04-10-2008 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 455395)
Those aren't that uncommon.

Other than "floccinaucinihilipilification"... None of them seem all that uncommon to me.

Makes me wonder just how many people out there don`t understand me when I use some of these in regular conversation.

emiluvsjmusic 04-10-2008 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by zoneoni (Post 454718)
when i was a kid they use to teach us this word by song, it has a tune but i dont remeber it now


it was a fun kids song lol, but i dont know what it means, if i had to guess id say "love" maybe.....shrug* if you think about it, lol

"the sense of speedy fragilism expressed in emotion...." maybe...lol

lol thats a made up word from mary poppins... :D

Excessum 04-10-2008 09:30 AM

I think that joining a word game would be a more effective way on how to get your post count up, Kajitsu. :rolleyes:

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