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Miyavifan 05-08-2008 10:17 PM

That's what I meant, what Tal just said.

Hiroki 05-08-2008 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by TalnSG (Post 484501)
I am not quite certain what you are supposed to do with the information. If its to make a statement of each of those types with the words given, here's mine with the same noun, verb and modifiers in each:

Postive: The clouds will disappear.
Negative: The clouds will not disappear.
Question: Will the clouds disappear?


That what I need!



Miyavifan 05-08-2008 10:44 PM

lol.. well there's one thing I can read....

I don't suppose you'd be willing to teach me?

sakari09 05-09-2008 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by chin (Post 484131)
firstly thank you all for give me the right answer to my question. I appriciated them a lot.
sometimes i am really not sure if i have said the right sentence. but actually i am not worried about my english since i can make fluent communication in english.
by the way, i am studying english lingusitics. it's very interesting, although i got a lot of questions...

also i want to find some friends who could be my penpal. both japanese and english are okay.

よろしく、お願いします ^_^

If you want me to be a pin pal you can PM me....

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