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akisan 05-29-2008 10:10 PM

translater help?
heys, i have seen some translaters....i used to use them often for my japnese, but i have some inocorrect ones, i tested it by puting in anime" and i compared the harigana, but i get this


when i know this actually means animu......why wont it come out anime? and if you have any translaters i can use that dont do this, please show me XD

Harold 05-29-2008 10:49 PM

Cross Translation::Batch translation of various translation sites and translation services

I do not really recommend a translator for translating big sentences, but just words you can't find in the dictionary or small colloquial phrases. Otherwise, you will get very butchered Japanese.

akisan 05-30-2008 06:11 AM

arigato, yes,i have noticed that alot, thats why when my friends use the translaters, the people they talk to go...huh?

XD ive learned from there exp sorta speak, but thanks man ^ ^

MMM 05-30-2008 06:33 AM

Online translators don't work. But, like Harold said, word by word dictionaries can help.

In this one you can put in whole sentences and it will give you definitions for each word.

Jim Breen's WWWJDIC

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