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dgls69gt 03-16-2009 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by ElGato (Post 613098)
Hi everyone!

Does anybody wants to learn russian language? I can help you! (my native language)

It will be great if you teach me english. So I teach you RUSSIAN and you teach me ENGLISH.

Feel free to send me PM.

I can teach u english and spanish:ywave:

Nataniel 03-17-2009 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by Kadauz (Post 684915)
А вам то чему учиться? Орфографии и пунктуации?..
А вы не пробовали учить своему национальному языку?

В совершенстве владею белорусским и русским языками, свободно говорю по английски и французски, к тому же знаю японский на уровне 2-3 кю по меркам ноурёкусикен :mtongue: Честно говоря, ммм, видно, делать нечего и не охота, чтоб тема заглохла. А то, может, и с японцами получится обменяться опытом)
З.Ы. А вообще я наполовину русский, но по поводу белорусского: был бы спрос - будет и предложение!

Kadauz 03-22-2009 03:33 AM

Blue - is in Russian
Green - is in English
Magenta - Explanatory comment

# 1. For those who only begins to study Russian. №1

letter "А" – [Λ] - pronunciation as well as a letter "u" in a word "bus" [bΛs]
letter "Д" – [d] - pronunciation as well as a letter "d" in a word "Dick" [dık]
letter "Н" – [n] - pronunciation as well as a letter "n" in a word "men" [men]
letter "О" – [ә] - pronunciation as well as a letter "o" in a word "not" [nәt]
letter "С" – [s] - pronunciation as well as a letter "s" in a word "bus" [bΛs]

нос - nose - organ of smell
насос - pump ("water pump")
да - yes - affirmative reply
дно - bottom ("bottom of the cask", "to go to the bottom")
она - she - personal pronoun
он - he - personal pronoun
сода - soda (baking soda)
сад - garden ("terraced garden", "botanical gardens")
сон - sleep ("sound sleep")
сосна - pine-tree
Ад - hell ("absolute hell")
оса - wasp
Анонс - announcement - preliminary announcement (about a concert, a matinee, a movie)

Kadauz 03-31-2009 08:43 PM

Blue - is in Russian
Green - is in English
Magenta - Explanatory comment

# 1. For those who only begins to study Russian. №2

letter "К" – [k] - pronunciation as well as a letter "k" in a word "look" [luk] , a letters "ck" in a word "Dick" [dık]
сок - juice ("orange juice")
соска - nipple of the baby
сноска - footnote
доска - board ("ironing-board")
носок - forefoot and sock ("to knit socks")
касса - cashier's office
коса - plait ("to plait one's hair") , scythe ("to whet a scythe")
окно - window
кокос - coco
анаконда - anaconda

Kadauz 04-01-2009 07:14 PM

Blue - is in Russian
Green - is in English
Magenta - Explanatory comment

# 1. For those who only begins to study Russian. №3

letter "И" – [i] - pronunciation as well as a letters "ee" in a word "three" [Өri:] , "green" [gri:n]
осина - quaking aspen - Tree and wood (timber)
киоск - kiosk
киоски - kiosks - is in plural
один - one
кино - cinema
икона - icon ("to paint an icon")
диск - disk, disc ("the moon's disk", "discus throwing")
диски - disks, discs - is in plural
они - they ("People matter because of what they are", "not what they have")

носки - is in plural forefoot and socks
доски - is in plural boards ("ironing-boards")
сноски - is in plural footnotes
соски - is in plural nipples
соки - is in plural juices

Kadauz 04-02-2009 07:33 PM

Blue - is in Russian
Green - is in English
Magenta - Explanatory comment

# 1. For those who only begins to study Russian. №4

letter "M" – [m] - pronunciation as well as a letter "m" in a word "men" [men]
мама - mommy
мода - vogue ("out of vogue")
мина - mine ("antitank mine") - the military explosive device
мак - poppy
маска - mask ("fencing mask", "oxygen mask")
миска - basin, dish, bowl ("plastic dish", "salad bowl") - approximate translation from Russian into English
мимика - mimic, mimicry

дама - madam, lady
дом - house
домик - small house

Дима - male's name reduced from Дмитрий

сом - sheat-fish
ком - clod
кимоно - kimono
камин - fireplace
комод - commode, chest of drawers
космос - cosmos, outer space

Kadauz 04-02-2009 09:32 PM

# 4. The information block.

In Russian language are absent Definite article and Indefinite article. Is used other principles of formation of collocations.

Link-verb "to be" in Russian language usually are not used (are missed).

The words in Russian language declines:
on a genders - masculine gender, feminine gende, neuter (gender);
on a numbers - singular, plural;
on a cases - nominative case, genitive case, dative case, accusative case, instrumental case, prepositional case.

Word formation - word to consist of parts - prefix, root, suffix, ending.

PS. "Но это ещё цветочки" (" the worst is still to come; this is nothing compared with what is to come "), apex a iceberg...
Вот такие пироги... ... ... прорвёмся ;) :ywave:

Originally Posted by Nataniel (Post 685125)
... но по поводу белорусского: был бы спрос - будет и предложение!

- :) Я бы поучился, да английский не знаю... А если вы будите использовать русский - нас "не так поймут" (форум то англоязычный) :confused: ...

Nataniel 04-04-2009 04:40 PM

Да уж, дилемма)

Kadauz 04-04-2009 07:00 PM

Blue - is in Russian
Green - is in English
Magenta - Explanatory comment

# 1. For those who only begins to study Russian. №5

letter "У" – [u]-[u:] - pronunciation as well as a letters "oo" in a words "moon" [mu:n], "good" [gud]
уксус - vinegar ("wine vinegar")
суд - court ("sitting of the court")
сук - bough
сукно - broadcloth
судно - vessel ("sailing vessel", "cargo vessel") - "Vessel, a general name given to the different sorts of ships".
сумка - bag ("carrier bag", "ladies' bag")
сумма - sum ("sum total", "to raise a sum (of money)")
скука - ennui, boredom
синус - sine - mathematical term
мука - flour ("wheat flour")
минус - minus
наука - science ("applied science")
куда - where, which way ("where are you going?")
кусок - piece, morsel ("to break to pieces", "a morsel of cheese")
конус - cone ("blunted cone") - geometrical figure
дудка - fife - musical a wind instrument

Kinra 04-04-2009 07:46 PM

привет ;D
i'm half russian ,from Lithuania .
it's so good to know ,that people here are from all over the world ,especially those countries you know really well :)
actually,it's a bit strange i haven't visited Rusia yet ,but i'm looking forward to it :)

Mouse ,it's the same with me ,it's not so hard to speak russian ,but gramatic is hard enough , and another coinsidence is that i live not far from Latvia :rheart:

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