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Senctero 12-20-2010 04:32 AM


Originally Posted by Nord (Post 682740)
Wow! I can't believe, my native language!
Неужели даже здесь говорят по-нашему? Есть ли здесь на форуме кто-нибудь из русскоговорящих, живущие в Японии?

Живущих врядли. А вот переодически обитающихся хватает. Это я тебе как житель Дальнего Востока говорю.
And yes. Hi everyone.

Suki 12-20-2010 05:06 PM

Can Russian be written in the Latin alphabet? Like it is with Japanese and Rōmaji?

Senctero , I think you miswrote something in your signature. Should be "of" guilt, not "if" ^^

StonerPenguin 12-20-2010 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by Suki (Post 842794)
Can Russian be written in the Latin alphabet? Like it is with Japanese and Rōmaji?

Mmm, Russian is my 4th language so I don't know it awesomely but I'm pretty sure Russian doesn't really go well into the Latin alphabet- the sounds are quite different. If you've ever bought a English-Russian book, all of them (or at least the ones that I've bought) expect you to learn Cyrillic within the first few pages of the book (ironic as many Japanese language books only use romaji). The only book I found that has phonetic Russian pronounciation is the Berlitz Russian phrase book and it's kinda wonky (e.g. Хорошо = khah-rah-shoh). As far as I know there isn't an established system for writing Cyrillic in the Latin alphabet. :/

evanny 12-20-2010 06:16 PM

they understand with latin alphabet also. yes. it won't be correct but you will be get all of the ideas across. i've never had problems on line communicating that way.
vsjo buget horosho :)

Suki 12-20-2010 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by StonerPenguin (Post 842796)
Mmm, Russian is my 4th language so I don't know it awesomely but I'm pretty sure Russian doesn't really go well into the Latin alphabet- the sounds are quite different. If you've ever bought a English-Russian book, all of them (or at least the ones that I've bought) expect you to learn Cyrillic within the first few pages of the book (ironic as many Japanese language books only use romaji). The only book I found that has phonetic Russian pronounciation is the Berlitz Russian phrase book and it's kinda wonky (e.g. Хорошо = khah-rah-shoh). As far as I know there isn't an established system for writing Cyrillic in the Latin alphabet. :/

Interesting. Thank you. :)

You know, one thing I take into consideration before taking up a language is the alphabet. Learning a whole new alphabet with new characters and all... it's much easier if you can just skip that part x)

termogard 01-03-2011 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by Suki (Post 842794)
Can Russian be written in the Latin alphabet? Like it is with Japanese and Rōmaji?

Without any problems.:)

FainlyGrari 12-16-2011 02:32 AM

Do you love your mom?
At 3 yrs old we say: "Mommy, I love you".

At 10: "Mom whateve!"

At 16:"My mom is so annoying"

At 18: "I wanna leave this house".

At 25:"Mom, you were right".

At 30: "I wanna go back to my Mom's house"

At 50: "I don't wanna lose my Mom".

At 70: "I would give up EVERYTHING for my Mom to be here with me".
You only have one Mom.

*LIke if u ? ur mom*:***!

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