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Koir 01-22-2009 01:51 AM

Newspaper Article: Japanese Learn English From Obama Textbook
Link: Japanese learn English from Obama textbook

This caught my attention while browsing around news sites, and I thought I would bring it to the attention of the JF forum. Seems like encouraging news, especially in the learning process.


P.S. If this is deemed to be in the wrong forum, by all means move it to its proper place. I had thought General Discussion would be right, but it is about learning English, which is the theme of this subforum.

YuriTokoro 01-22-2009 07:57 AM

Yes, Obama textbooks are bestselling here. I’m waiting a textbook coming which has yesterday’s. Many books and magazines have Obama Speeches now. We have many books and magazines to study English and many Japanese are trying to learn English.

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