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dedlan 02-09-2009 10:59 AM

looking for an assistant language teacher
I'm looking for an assistant language teacher (Native English speaking) to teach 10 hours at a high school in Central Tokyo for a period of one year, starting from April. The requirements are BA, a proper visa (no sponsorship available), and some teaching experience. If you are interested, please send me a private message telling me a little about yourself, and I will get back to you and ask you to send me a resume. Successful applicants will be asked to come for an interview in Feb or early March.


WalterWzK 02-09-2009 12:09 PM

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isisbathory 02-09-2009 05:51 PM

I dont know much about teachers who go to Japan, but conditions seem a bit hard (yours), don't you think?

I mean that's my point of view, I think you should give sponsorship

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