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TalnSG 08-19-2010 02:09 PM

My real first name is Greek in origin, though most people under 40 were given the name because of an America TV drama and think it was a good name from the American Pioneer days.

But my real last name is very British. It means "a wide path" and there is a town, and medieval tower bearing the same name. But many people think is it is an original American name because it is the same as a very unique and well known place in the U.S.

Name and word origins are often something surprising when you start to research their history.

chrisleeds 08-30-2010 02:16 PM

My name is British,
Chris Hall
Its like the 7th most common name in Britain :D

Suki 10-25-2010 10:40 PM

My name appears to be Latin but is found in Bulgarian, English, German, Greek, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Serbian, Spanish and Russian speaking countries :D

I just did some research and found that last year 612 girls were named like me in the US o.Ô

Now I got y'all thinking of what it may be, yeh? =P

totallylost202 11-09-2010 04:40 PM

My first name can be Welsh or Swedish (Hayley) but my surname is Smith, which is of course 100% British.
What a strange post!

evanny 11-09-2010 04:49 PM

i love the history behind my name :)
my name is rudolf which originated from german "hrodwulf". hrod meaning "fame" and wulf is simply "wolf" so it basically means "famous wolf"

don't know why but i f*king love it :)

Columbine 11-09-2010 06:06 PM

My forename is hebrew, my middle name is a greek inturpretation of a different hebrew name and my surname is an Old English cognate of a german term for a particular occupation. I'm an etymological mutt!

zero0 12-01-2010 07:06 PM

hebrew greek and arabian
Anna Sofia Seghier
grace wisdom small

:D my name is awesome :vsign:

protheus 12-01-2010 09:26 PM

Both my names don't exist in any other foreign language, but it has similarities with some.
One of it its written Cătălin, the "ă" pronunciation is something similar to the sound you hear in together, at the finish, just before the "r" is audible in the last syllable. The "C" is audible like in cat.
You may say it has something from the detailed here at baby names , but in my country Cătălin is a male name, Cătălina is a girl name.
Not many foreign people I know can pronounce it as it is supposed, well, to be honest, not even one :D .
When I go to Belgium, all my acquaintances from there, use a easier name and knowed in french, Alain, very similar to Alin, the short version of Cătălin.

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