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Decimus 11-15-2010 09:22 AM

Need help with Chinese?
I am a native Chinese speaker and am fluent in English, as well as having some degree of proficiency in Japanese. I am willing to help if you have any questions about (Mandarin) Chinese.

That said, I was neither born nor raised in China, so I may not be able to answer specific questions about life in China (e.g. the government, the education system, etc.), and neither am I familiar with some slang-heavy conversations. (Chinese netspeak, for example.) I will try to help, but I'm not exactly the most qualified person to answer those questions.

こんにちは。私は中国人です。日本語がちょっと話せて (中級者レベルぐらい)、英語も良く話せますから、も し中国語に関する質問をして頂ければ、喜んで答えま す。 質問には英語・日本語がどちらで書いて頂いても良いで す。

でも、華僑(かきょう, 海外の中国人)なので、私は中国に住んだ事が ありません。ですから、中国の国に関する専門的な質問 (政府、教育、外交政策...)が少し苦手です。 インターネットで使うの俗語も同じです。そうなると、 お答えできる質問にはお答えしますが、もし間違 って答えてしまったら、お許しください。

EastAsiaStudent 12-07-2010 10:16 PM

Thanks for the offer
This is generous of you. Have you seen Tatoeba? (Tatoeba: Collecting example sentences) It's a project to build a database of cross-translated sentences in as many languages as possible. If you're proficient in three, than you'd be an extremely valuable contributor.

Decimus 12-08-2010 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by EastAsiaStudent (Post 840872)
This is generous of you. Have you seen Tatoeba? (Tatoeba: Collecting example sentences) It's a project to build a database of cross-translated sentences in as many languages as possible. If you're proficient in three, than you'd be an extremely valuable contributor.

You're welcome.

That's a rather interesting project; thanks for the link.

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