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Supperman 05-24-2011 08:37 AM

What(who) is Yogurt?
Who dares enter the sacred and awesome presence of the everlasting know-it-all

I don't know the meaning well.
Would it be possible to teach me about it?

My try is;
Yogurt is a person/character of a certain (fiction) story, who dares to break in the conversation, which is in the palm of Mr. Know-it-all's hand.

Am I on the right track?
And why is it "who dares enter..." not "who dares to enter...." ?
Is there another character who is called as the everlasting know-it-all ?

Thank you.

Columbine 05-24-2011 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by Supperman (Post 866047)
Who dares enter the sacred and awesome presence of the everlasting know-it-all

I don't know the meaning well.
Would it be possible to teach me about it?

My try is;
Yogurt is a person/character of a certain (fiction) story, who dares to break in the conversation, which is in the palm of Mr. Know-it-all's hand.

Am I on the right track?
And why is it "who dares enter..." not "who dares to enter...." ?
Is there another character who is called as the everlasting know-it-all ?

It's from this movie, Spaceballs (1987) - IMDb right?

I haven't seen the film but looking on the internet I don't think 'the everlasting know-it-all' is a characters name. It's more like a title, or a description of the person. "Who dares enter the sacred and awesome presence of the everlasting know-it-all!"

"who dares enter", is slightly more old-fashioned sounding than 'who dares to enter'. It's also more direct, so it was probably said like this to make it sound more impressive. After all, it's a challenge to whoever is daring to enter his presence!

Supperman 05-24-2011 09:26 AM

Thank you, Columbine, for your answer.

I got it. I understand why "to" is abbreviated here.

I saw several You-Tubes of the movie, and
here, I found another version.
Yogurt; Who dares enter the sacred and awesome presence of the everlasting know-it-all?

So it is spoken by himself.
Then, the everlasting know-it-all is himself, right?

Who are you, entering my sacred and awesome place, even though I am the everlasting know-it-all ?

I think this movie is a comical, sarcastic, parody movie.
And I think the everlasting know-it-all might be Yoda in STAR WARS, right?
I think I am right. I have confidence about this. ;) Right?

In Japanese, it would be something like;
ワシが、不老長寿の物知り顔(ヨーダ)と知っての狼藉 か?

protheus 05-24-2011 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by Supperman (Post 866052)
I think this movie is a comical, sarcastic, parody movie.
And I think the everlasting know-it-all might be Yoda in STAR WARS, right?

Yes and yes.

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