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profpivec 09-09-2011 03:54 PM

Online Academic Writing Course for non English speakers
Either you or someone you know, perhaps your staff, students, or colleagues, will benefit from this online Academic Writing Course. If English is not your native language, this course is a must if you wish to get your papers published or accepted first time. Places are limited so please enroll now at thelanguagecampus.com.

Online Academic Writing Course.
17th of October, 2011 until the 4th of November – Part 1.
14th of November, 2011 until the 2nd of December, 2011 - Part 2

Academic Writing Course

Course Overview.

This course is directed at non-native English speakers with the goal of improving their academic writing skills for publishing in English, in books, journals, and conferences.This course will be competed in two parts. Each part will span three weeks, with part 2 building on what is learnt in part 1, and each week is focused on the improvement of a specific area of your publication.Being an online course, communication combines synchronous and asynchronous learning elements using the exclusive features of the Language Campus platform. Purpose built Role-Play Scenarios and private forums will be utilized for this course, along with multimedia facilities and text/video chat. The course will be fully moderated with specific tasks being set for the participants each week. The course also includes scheduled Question and Answer session with invited guests – scientific book & journal editors, conference organizers, citation experts, etc.

Academic Writing Course -Part 1. (17th October until 4th November)
During the three weeks of this course, each participant will learn how to identify the specific structure and style of the various media within their discipline. You will select your topic and target a specific journal or conference, and by the end of the course you will have completed a structured outline and an extended abstract for submission. You will do this with the assistance of highly published academics and peer support of the other participants within the course.Some of the

Learning outcomes for Part 1 are:
  • - Different disciplines require different styles
  • - Analyzing text and language structure
  • - Collating phrases and expressions
  • - Developing and extended abstract
  • - Learning using a personal journal
Academic Writing Course -Part 2. (14th November until 2nd December)
During the second three weeks, each participant complete the introduction section, outline the body of their publication, and format a successful conclusion section. Referencing formats will also be discussed and you will learn the secrets of successful authors and how to get published first time. You will do this with the peer support of the other participants on the course and the assistance of highly published academics.

Some of the Learning outcomes for Part 2 are:
  • - Managing citations and literature reviews
  • - Structuring your publication for the target audience
  • - How to create a compelling introduction
  • - Emphasizing your research in the conclusions
  • - Utilizing reviewers comments successfully
In both parts of the Academic Writing course, four specific tasks have been compiled for completion each week, totaling approximately 20 hours task work for each part, or 40 hours in total. The purpose built role-play scenario also allows you to complete a further 3 to 4 hours, with replay-ability providing endless learning for each participant. You also have the option of practicing the spoken English within the platform using the Scenario facilities. Text and video chat with your course participants is available 24/7, and there are with no time limits or usage restrictions.

The course will be hosted and moderated by Language Campus Professor, Dr. Paul Pivec, invited guest moderator, Professor Dr. Maja Pivec (Editor, Reviewer, and highly published Author), with experts such as Associate Professor, Alison Clear (Past SIGCSE Chair, Conference reviewer, Author) and Associate Professor, Dr. Donald Joyce (Author, previous chair of doctoral consortia, reviewer at ACM SIGCSE) participating in the Q & A sessions. ENROLL NOW!

Academic Writing Course

Please note: This course will only run with a minimum of 8 participants and a maximum of 15. Enrollment in Part 2 cannot be completed without enrollment in Part 1.This course utilizes the Language Campus Platform, an Adobe Flash 10 application. See this page for minimum specifications to run Flash 10.

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