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hitotsz 11-02-2011 07:48 PM

English pronunciation
The Mac Dictionary app has Japanese dictionary pre-installed on it. The English pronunciation as provided by the New Oxford American Dictionary is different for the same words for the Japanese dictionary and English dictionary. What could account for this discrepancy?

For the word, 'regular':

ˈregyələr; ˈreg(ə)lər

I've been pronouncing it as réɡjulər.

TBox 11-02-2011 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by hitotsz (Post 885298)
The Mac Dictionary app has Japanese dictionary pre-installed on it. The English pronunciation as provided by the New Oxford American Dictionary is different for the same words for the Japanese dictionary and English dictionary. What could account for this discrepancy?

For the word, 'regular':

ˈregyələr; ˈreg(ə)lər

I've been pronouncing it as réɡjulər.

1. Transcription difference. Native English dictionaries use y where international dictionaries use j.

2. regyələr would be standard american. réɡjulər would sound very crisp to me, I'd assume you were just from somewhere else, although I wouldn't know where without hearing more of your accent.

3. ˈreg(ə)lər is a variation common to many regional accents. I'd stay away from it, some people feel prejudiced towards it.

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