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Kaicui 04-28-2007 08:55 PM

Am I the only spanish speaking Asian?
My neighborhood is filled with latin people (puerto ricans/dominicans/etc...) so i spent alot of my life around spanish speaking people. I was just wondering if i was the only spanish speaking asian on this forum?

Kandare 06-11-2007 03:23 AM


Originally Posted by Kaicui (Post 105417)
My neighborhood is filled with latin people (puerto ricans/dominicans/etc...) so i spent alot of my life around spanish speaking people. I was just wondering if i was the only spanish speaking asian on this forum?

No. I'm Korean.
But I can also speak Spanish.
My strong part is grammer though.
Haha~ I suck at making sentences, although I understand what the sentences mean.

Suki 06-12-2007 04:16 PM

I am Spanish! I'd heard it was easy for Japanese people to learn Spanish because of the pronunciation, which is pretty similar, but I didn't know it was extended all over Asia. ^^

Oh by the way, Mexican (or any other south-American dialect) does not sound like Spanish at all... I mean, if you heard those differents accents you'd really think they're completely different languages.

Susanakatana 06-30-2007 03:25 AM

Different spanish all over the world.

Originally Posted by Suki (Post 149977)
Oh by the way, Mexican (or any other south-American dialect) does not sound like Spanish at all... I mean, if you heard those different accents you'd really think they're completely different languages.

That is because every place where Spanish is spoken has different influences, for example, Mexico has the ancient Mayan, Otomi, Tarasco, Purepecha etc dialects, in south America, there is Portuguese, and a little bit of French in addition to all the Indian dialects, not even the Spanish from Spain is pure, they had influence from the north of Africa, and probably all western Europe.
P.S. Is not to be rude or anything, but "Mexican" is not a dialect, it is also Spanish, but Mexican Spanish, it is a complete language, derived, if not the same with variations, as the Spanish from Spain. The RAE (Spanish Royal Academy) is the same for all.

Suerte con todo!!!

Suki 07-05-2007 07:14 PM

I know. I can read a book from some latin author and understand everything in it, but when you listen to a Spanish person (being born in Spain) and someone from South America it sounds totally different. Even in Spain there are many accents, but the differences ain't as notable as they are when you compare it with Mexican or whatever.

Kaicui calls himself Spanish but then he mentions "puerto ricans/dominicans/etc...", that's not being Spanish, that's being South American. :confused: You wouldn't call a British guy American, would you?

TexMex 07-05-2007 11:25 PM

Just like there are different dialects in Spanish
So are there different dialects in English. I spoke to a British when he was in Austin for South by Southwest and even thouugh our accents were different we understood each other perfectly. By the way, I was raised speaking both English and Spanish...I am proud to say that I am 100% Mexican blood!! My coworkers are Mexican and Venezuealan and we speak to each other in Spanish all day. If there is a word one of us does NOt unerstand, we ask each other what it means...Thus we increase our vocabulary..When I was in Virginia I lost alot of Spanish because there wasn't any one to practice with so I had to relearn it when I came back to Texas...I wil always speak Spanish because when you lose a language, you loose a culture....Adios

Suki 07-05-2007 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by TexMex (Post 169809)
So are there different dialects in English. I spoke to a British when he was in Austin for South by Southwest and even thouugh our accents were different we understood each other perfectly. By the way, I was raised speaking both English and Spanish...I am proud to say that I am 100% Mexican blood!! My coworkers are Mexican and Venezuealan and we speak to each other in Spanish all day. If there is a word one of us does NOt unerstand, we ask each other what it means...Thus we increase our vocabulary..When I was in Virginia I lost alot of Spanish because there wasn't any one to practice with so I had to relearn it when I came back to Texas...I wil always speak Spanish because when you lose a language, you loose a culture....Adios

El problema es que el resto del mundo cree que sea cual sea el país donde se hable castellano es México, y esto no me gusta porque de la misma forma que a un francés nadie lo va a relacionar con alguien que viva en Sierra Leone por hablar el mismo idioma, un español no tiene nada que ver con un mexicano. Compartimos idioma, sí, pero son culturas y países completamente distintos. De hecho, hay montones de gente que creen que España está en centro América... sólo trato de combatir la ignorancia. :cool:

gn1225 07-05-2007 11:33 PM

Im spanish 2...
but im trying 2 learn japanese..
i need someone 2 teach me online..
because i cant afford it...


Suki 07-05-2007 11:38 PM

No, you're not Spanish, you would be if you had been born in Spain. It's not that difficult, for fuck's sake!

gn1225 07-05-2007 11:40 PM

im spanish...

i aint from spain..so what?

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