Originally Posted by kingkaleigh
sorry....though....isn't italian kinda(okay a lot) like Spanish? i don't thinks Spaish is realli hard is it? Senor?
Spanish and Italian are related languages, together with French and Portugese, so they share a lot of similarities, meaning that if you know one of them, learning another will be alot easier than if you were learning Italian and then Russian (because they are two different linguistical families (whatever you call it)).
Saying that Spanish 'isn't really hard' would be wrong to say if you haven't learned Spanish yourself. You need to study to learn this language as you have to study any other language to learn, but of course, it's generally considered a lot easier than for instance Japanese (or Russian, Chinese and so on).
If you know Spanish and go to Italy, they won't neccessarily understand everything you say, but you can usually get your point across (though I know a lot of Italians who get offended by tourists who speak Spanish to them and expect them to understand). The basic grammatical rules are pretty much the same, but the words differ (both say 'I call myself [name]', but in Spanish it's 'yo me llamo [name]', Italian 'io mi chiamo [name]'). Also, the pronounciation rules are very different (Italians pretty much say what they write, Spanish people 'slur' a lot more (v can turn to b, they lisp on their s's, double l turns to j, j is pronounced h (a very throaty ach sound), and they also have their own letter ñ (nj). Italian is a bit more straightforward when it comes to pronounciation, but they have a tad more complicated grammar- at least that is my opinion after having studied each of the languages for one year each)
Shadowcrow, how much Italian do you know?