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German "teacher" ^.^
Hi everyone. If U want to learn german so let me know. I will help as good as i can.
see u! |
Hi I learned i was part german and i wanted to learn some so can you teach me.
Alright!^.^ whado U want to know?.....*wanna play teacher* |
i know how to say i love you but i want some of the basics:o
okay, let me see.... basics. Do you know how to say :"my name is (ur name)"?
german: "Mein Name ist (Ur name)" [pronounce: mayn namé ist .... but u have to pronounce the "t" in "ist", too] or "Ich heisse (Ur name)" [pronounce: ish haysse (ur name)] is this okay 4 u? ;) |
yes it is.Ich liebe hich mommy. sorrry talking to my mom. anything else
not hich. oh, ok^^ "How r u?" "Wie geht es dir?" [pronouciation: we geth es deer?] ok? |
ok what about how to say hello
"Hello!" "Hallo!" that is all^.^ It is easy isn't it? |
yeah really easy:D .
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