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cassiechan 08-22-2007 03:42 PM

German "teacher" ^.^
Hi everyone. If U want to learn german so let me know. I will help as good as i can.

see u!

Narutocrazy101 08-22-2007 03:51 PM

Hi I learned i was part german and i wanted to learn some so can you teach me.

cassiechan 08-22-2007 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by Narutocrazy101 (Post 214457)
Hi I learned i was part german and i wanted to learn some so can you teach me.

Alright!^.^ whado U want to know?.....*wanna play teacher*

Narutocrazy101 08-22-2007 04:09 PM

i know how to say i love you but i want some of the basics:o

cassiechan 08-22-2007 04:16 PM

okay, let me see.... basics. Do you know how to say :"my name is (ur name)"?

german: "Mein Name ist (Ur name)"
[pronounce: mayn namé ist .... but u have to pronounce the "t" in "ist", too]

or "Ich heisse (Ur name)"

[pronounce: ish haysse (ur name)]

is this okay 4 u? ;)

Narutocrazy101 08-22-2007 04:20 PM

yes it is.Ich liebe hich mommy. sorrry talking to my mom. anything else

cassiechan 08-22-2007 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by Narutocrazy101 (Post 214470)
yes it is.Ich liebe hich mommy. yeah

U have to say: Ich liebe dich mommy. ^_^

not hich.

oh, ok^^

"How r u?"

"Wie geht es dir?"

[pronouciation: we geth es deer?]


Narutocrazy101 08-22-2007 04:31 PM

ok what about how to say hello

cassiechan 08-22-2007 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by Narutocrazy101 (Post 214477)
ok what about how to say hello



that is all^.^
It is easy isn't it?

Narutocrazy101 08-22-2007 04:58 PM

yeah really easy:D .

cassiechan 08-22-2007 05:01 PM

ofcourse U can say "Hi", too.

good mornig: Guten Morgen
[gooten morg'n]

good night: Gute Nacht

[goote nakht]

*good teacher* xD

cassiechan 09-12-2007 02:37 PM

sorry for this doublepost, but arent there more "students"?...^_^...

DarkLight 09-12-2007 02:51 PM

I want to be a student too...!! a German band
[Tokio Hotel...if you know..] come to do a conzert here...
and I want to know how talking to them and stuff...=]

I know how to say:

I love you- ich liebe dich....
and good bye- orvidensen...
and no- nein...

and more few words from their songs.. ;D

*they come next month... 6/10!!

cassiechan 09-12-2007 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by DarkLight (Post 232520)
I want to be a student too...!! a German band
[Tokio Hotel...if you know..] come to do a conzert here...
and I want to know how talking to them and stuff...=]

I know how to say:

I love you- ich liebe dich....
and good bye- orvidensen...
and no- nein...

and more few words from their songs.. ;D

*they come next month... 6/10!!

.....*Scream*!!!!....I love TOKIO HOTEL!!!!....come on please be my buddy!!!


DarkLight 09-12-2007 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by cassiechan (Post 232536)
.....*Scream*!!!!....I love TOKIO HOTEL!!!!....come on please be my buddy!!!


SCHREIIII...... Aaaaaaaaa...
but i need to save my voice to the conzert.. xD
aaa TH rocks!!!!!
and i'd like to be your boddy...!!=]]]

PM me anytime....=]

cassiechan 09-12-2007 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by DarkLight (Post 232540)
SCHREIIII...... Aaaaaaaaa...
but i need to save my voice to the conzert.. xD
aaa TH rocks!!!!!
and i'd like to be your boddy...!!=]]]

PM me anytime....=]

I did already!^.^

bill is cute!^^...and tom too!...and gustav also!

clairebear 09-12-2007 03:14 PM


anyway :'D
my auntie is german, so it'd be useful to know some german ^-^

except i suck at learning languages >_>
and i suck at pronouncing lol.

cassiechan 09-12-2007 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by clairebear (Post 232544)

anyway :'D
my auntie is german, so it'd be useful to know some german ^-^

except i suck at learning languages >_>
and i suck at pronouncing lol.

np, i'll help U!^^...so what do you want to know?

clairebear 09-12-2007 03:17 PM

uh..i wanna know anything XD

just common phrases i guess.

cassiechan 09-12-2007 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by clairebear (Post 232547)
uh..i wanna know anything XD

just common phrases i guess.

okay, pharses like My name is.... and How r U?
r already on the first threadpage^^

DarkLight 09-12-2007 03:26 PM

how do I say good luck in german?

and what means- 'heillig seine' ?

cassiechan 09-12-2007 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by DarkLight (Post 232559)
how do I say good luck in german?

and what means- 'heillig seine' ?

good luck : Viel Glück!
[pronouce: feel glueck]

i think U mean "Heilig sein"^^

that means "beeing holy"

DarkLight 09-12-2007 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by cassiechan (Post 232564)
good luck : Viel Glück!
[pronouce: feel glueck]

i think U mean "Heilig sein"^^

that means "beeing holy"

tanx:].. and how do i say... Thank-you..
or your hair is amzing?..[to Bill you know ;D..]

cassiechan 09-12-2007 03:39 PM

Thank U: Danke!..../or Danke schön!....but Danke is easier^^

[pronouce: danké!]

DarkLight 09-12-2007 03:41 PM

danké =] ...!!!!!!!!

cassiechan 09-12-2007 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by DarkLight (Post 232571)
danké =] ...!!!!!!!!


Bitte schön!^^ (=u re welcome!)

TheUnknown 09-13-2007 04:05 AM

If it's not too much trouble.. can you teach me how to say ''you're a egghead'' in German?

Thank you :)

cassiechan 09-13-2007 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by TheUnknown (Post 233197)
If it's not too much trouble.. can you teach me how to say ''you're a egghead'' in German?

Thank you :)


Du ist ein Eierkopf!
[pronouce: doo biest ain eyer-kopf]

why do you want to know that?

TheUnknown 09-14-2007 06:02 AM


why do you want to know that?
lol, mainly because some of my friends are freaking eggheads... not really thou.. I just like to call them names cause they are mean people.. ;P


[pronouce: doo biest ain eyer-kopf]
and btw the pronunciation is kinda difficult.. not sure if i am saying it right...

cassiechan 10-06-2007 01:28 PM

ok, alright...more students?:D

Tsuzuki 10-06-2007 02:29 PM

nkay ..... ô.o

TheUnknown 10-07-2007 10:15 AM

^btw is it possible to upload mp3 or any sound files as an attachment?.. cause i would be a whole lot easier to make sure we're pronouncing the word properly :)

Tsuzuki 10-07-2007 11:19 AM

ähm.... what ??? ^^;

Lien 10-07-2007 11:27 AM

are you from germany ??? Whoo neighbour of my land Belgium :rolleyes:
*Sweinepoepefleish* lol

Tsuzuki 10-07-2007 03:03 PM

yay ^^ did you get my pm ???? Lien ! Oo

cassiechan 10-08-2007 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by TheUnknown (Post 259605)
^btw is it possible to upload mp3 or any sound files as an attachment?.. cause i would be a whole lot easier to make sure we're pronouncing the word properly :)

hmm...i dont know...but i'll search for it!^^


Originally Posted by Lien (Post 259635)
are you from germany ??? Whoo neighbour of my land Belgium :rolleyes:
*Sweinepoepefleish* lol

Sweine...what?...sorry but i cant understand...but, hey i like ur avatar!^^

Tsuzuki 10-09-2007 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by cassiechan (Post 261003)
hmm...i dont know...but i'll search for it!^^

Sweine...what?...sorry but i cant understand...but, hey i like ur avatar!^^

looks like " Schweinepökelfleisch" :vsign:

TheUnknown 10-09-2007 11:37 AM


hmm...i dont know...but i'll search for it!^^
yay! thanks. waiting for you reply :D

Orihimegirl123 10-19-2007 11:26 PM

hey, i'd love to learn german! i'm actually more german than any other nationality. soooo i guess you could say i am german...i guess!
:D :p

onexsoul 10-19-2007 11:39 PM

I would also like to learn German... so if you answer to this forum please pm me too ^^

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