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-   -   I am looking for English teacher. (https://www.japanforum.com/forum/english-other-language-help/9274-i-am-looking-english-teacher.html)

Haleiwa 11-04-2007 03:26 PM

I am looking for English teacher.
I am 27 years old man and live in Kyoto.
I need English at my working place but I can't speak well.
Please somebody teach me English.

miyavikuun 11-04-2007 03:28 PM

i wanna help i speak english!!!!

Haleiwa 11-05-2007 02:22 PM

Thank you for your reply!!
I am japanese and studing English now.
If I tell you some bad things, please forgive me and let me know(^^)
I live in Kyoto Japan. How about u?

miyavikuun 11-05-2007 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by Haleiwa (Post 286331)
Thank you for your reply!!
I am japanese and studing English now.
If I tell you some bad things, please forgive me and let me know(^^)
I live in Kyoto Japan. How about u?

me i live in nevada in america as you could guess and im ok with the bad things but yeah...

Haleiwa 11-06-2007 12:19 PM

I've never been to Nevada though, have you ever come to japan?:ywave:

Originally Posted by miyavikuun (Post 286356)
me i live in nevada in america as you could guess and im ok with the bad things but yeah...

miyavikuun 11-06-2007 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by Haleiwa (Post 286990)
I've never been to Nevada though, have you ever come to japan?:ywave:

no but i want to.

onexsoul 11-06-2007 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by Haleiwa (Post 285456)
I am 27 years old man and live in Kyoto.
I need English at my working place but I can't speak well.
Please somebody teach me English.

ill teach u!!!

pm me or email me ^.^

[email protected]

jasonbvr 11-07-2007 02:07 AM

What up, I am an English teacher living in Gunma so I can't really give you lessons. But I can give you advice on some ways to get more practice.

For listening I would suggest downloading and installing iTunes to your computer. You need to use the US version of iTunes to get the best Podcasts for practice. When you open the US version of the iTunes store, you will see on the left side menu a link for Podcasts. These are like radio shows for your computer or mp3 player. If you search the language section, you can find many free podcasts for English learning. Or you can listen to other topics like world news or hobbies. There are many different ones so find one that you like. Then you will click the subscribe button. Subscribing to one will give you new podcasts that are added to iTunes every week. The best thing is, it is free. Apple - iTunes - iTunes Overview

As far as reading, I would suggest to you the Hiragana Times. This is a bilingual magazine published by The Japan Times for Japanese and English learners. I would also recommend this to Japanese learners overseas because you can subscribe to the pdf format and download it straight to your computer. Hiragana Times/Latest Issue

Lastly for speaking, you can try using Skype. Skype can be downloaded and used for free like iTunes. You can connect and talk to many people from all over the world. There should be a group for language exchange, but I have never looked for it. Skypeで話そう

Hope this helps you and good luck!

Haleiwa 11-07-2007 03:34 PM

Thank you very much for your reply.
Your mail is very helpful for me. I will use these tool to study and enjoy English.
If I have a chance to go to Gunma, I owe you some meal or beer.
Once again thank you very much.:D


Originally Posted by jasonbvr (Post 287660)
What up, I am an English teacher living in Gunma so I can't really give you lessons. But I can give you advice on some ways to get more practice.

For listening I would suggest downloading and installing iTunes to your computer. You need to use the US version of iTunes to get the best Podcasts for practice. When you open the US version of the iTunes store, you will see on the left side menu a link for Podcasts. These are like radio shows for your computer or mp3 player. If you search the language section, you can find many free podcasts for English learning. Or you can listen to other topics like world news or hobbies. There are many different ones so find one that you like. Then you will click the subscribe button. Subscribing to one will give you new podcasts that are added to iTunes every week. The best thing is, it is free. Apple - iTunes - iTunes Overview

As far as reading, I would suggest to you the Hiragana Times. This is a bilingual magazine published by The Japan Times for Japanese and English learners. I would also recommend this to Japanese learners overseas because you can subscribe to the pdf format and download it straight to your computer. Hiragana Times/Latest Issue

Lastly for speaking, you can try using Skype. Skype can be downloaded and used for free like iTunes. You can connect and talk to many people from all over the world. There should be a group for language exchange, but I have never looked for it. Skypeで話そう

Hope this helps you and good luck!

Haleiwa 11-07-2007 03:38 PM

If you have a chance to come to Kyoto, let me know.
I will show you to kyoto:D

Originally Posted by miyavikuun (Post 287062)
no but i want to.

miyavikuun 11-07-2007 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by Haleiwa (Post 288090)
If you have a chance to come to Kyoto, let me know.
I will show you to kyoto:D

thx but that would be like in 50 million years sadness

Nanobyte 11-07-2007 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by Haleiwa (Post 285456)
I am 27 years old man and live in Kyoto.
I need English at my working place but I can't speak well.
Please somebody teach me English.

Hello, i can teach you english, i'm excellent at english, like in grammar, vocabulary, conversation and pronunciation

noodle 11-07-2007 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by Nanobyte (Post 288276)
Hello, i can teach you english, i'm excellent at english, like in grammar, vocabulary, conversation and pronunciation

from this sentence I wouldn't take english lesson's from you if you paid me.:cool:

Hoolan 11-07-2007 08:48 PM

I dont know if I can help you a great deal but i can talk with you over skype or something and help you practice conversations

Haleiwa 11-08-2007 12:08 PM

I am sorry that I don't understand what you mean.:confused:


Originally Posted by miyavikuun (Post 288137)
thx but that would be like in 50 million years sadness

Haleiwa 11-08-2007 12:11 PM

Thank you for your reply.
let's talk!! I live in Japan. How about U?:)

Originally Posted by Nanobyte (Post 288276)
Hello, i can teach you english, i'm excellent at english, like in grammar, vocabulary, conversation and pronunciation

Haleiwa 11-08-2007 12:14 PM

I think you are cool!!
I like the way you talk and you are right.:D


Originally Posted by Hoolan (Post 288476)
I dont know if I can help you a great deal but i can talk with you over skype or something and help you practice conversations

noodle 11-08-2007 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by Haleiwa (Post 289009)
I am sorry that I don't understand what you mean.:confused:

The person means that they don't believe they will have a chance to go to Japan.... the 50 million years means that it is impossible :vsign:

Hoolan 11-08-2007 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by Haleiwa (Post 289013)
I think you are cool!!
I like the way you talk and you are right.:D

Thanks for thinking im cool:)
hve you got an msn address or icq ?

Haleiwa 11-09-2007 01:43 PM

I don't know what the msn adress or icq, but sometimes I use Windows live messenger. Is this the msn?:confused:

Originally Posted by Hoolan (Post 289394)
Thanks for thinking im cool:)
hve you got an msn address or icq ?

suzumiyasan 11-09-2007 01:48 PM

sami speaks english! if you have any questions, just ask!
i'm currently learning japaness.

Josichan86 11-09-2007 07:36 PM

Hi, I'd like to help you improving your english too ^^
BTW: I think the WIndows Life Messenger and MSN are mostly the same. It must be the adress with ..@hotmail.. . You can add me there too if you want to :D

Hoolan 11-09-2007 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by Haleiwa (Post 289980)
I don't know what the msn adress or icq, but sometimes I use Windows live messenger. Is this the msn?:confused:

Yep thats msn :D

Haleiwa 11-10-2007 09:44 AM

[email protected]
this is my E-mail adress.:D

Originally Posted by Hoolan (Post 290381)
Yep thats msn :D
My address is [email protected]

Haleiwa 11-10-2007 11:10 AM

Thank you very much. Now I know what the EMS is:D
If you don't mind, let's talk to me:D


Originally Posted by Josichan86 (Post 290278)
Hi, I'd like to help you improving your english too ^^
BTW: I think the WIndows Life Messenger and MSN are mostly the same. It must be the adress with ..@hotmail.. . You can add me there too if you want to :D

Haleiwa 11-10-2007 11:24 AM

I like to talk in Japanese as well as English. If you have any quetion about Japanese, feel free to contact me:D

Originally Posted by suzumiyasan (Post 289985)
sami speaks english! if you have any questions, just ask!
i'm currently learning japaness.

Alessandro 11-10-2007 04:44 PM

if you need some help can you write me at my msn 's adress!
[email protected]

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