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MMM 04-16-2008 07:50 PM

Starting a new thread? (Please Read)
Due to the massive volume of pointless threads lately I thought I would throw out a few questions I think you should ask yourself before you post that new thread.

1) Does my thread have a clear topic or point?

2) Is this something that a good number of JF users will find interesting (especially if it isn't Japan-related)?

3) Does the title of the thread clearly reflect the topic I am introducing? (Rather than saying "Hey!", "What?", "If your interested" [sp] or "Question.")

4) Have I double-checked to make sure there already isn't a thread covering this topic?

5) Am I asking a question that could be answered by searching Wikipedia or Google easily?

6) Finally ask yourself "Am I posting this because I really am interested in the answer or topic, or because I am bored?"

Drend 04-20-2008 04:31 AM

I feel that this video is relevant

MMM 06-19-2008 03:55 AM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 462640)
3) Does the title of the thread clearly reflect the topic I am introducing? (Rather than saying "Hey!", "What?", "If your interested" [sp] or "Question.")

I hope people remember to read this. Number 3 seems to be a problem lately. How many "Help!!!", "Need a little help!" and "Can you help me?" titles have there been in the last week?

The content is alway fine, just please start your thread with "Help riding trains" or "Help with a kanji" or "Help choosing a hairstyle".


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