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noodle 04-28-2008 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Thunda (Post 473112)
how dare you.

*smacks head with a 3 ton-truck*

that's yours.

:eek: What did I say? hehe... You can't deny they were being pedantic. There's a big difference between asking for proper english and asking for impeccable english. In my opinion, asking for impeccable english on a forum makes you some what ridiculous and pedantic!!

clairebear 04-28-2008 03:04 PM

wut d035 l1t3r@cY m33n???

Slykaz1 04-28-2008 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by MissMisa (Post 464694)
I'll probably still play Pokemon until I'm 30 haha :D

*ahem* I'm passed that....and I still play pokemon :D

DesiredMess 04-28-2008 05:57 PM

Pokemon is something that just can't be outgrown. I'm going to be sporting my pika shirt until it rots. XD

I'm not going to lie. I think no one really has an excuse for writing without capitals and proper punctuation. I'm not perfect myself, but I atleast try, and wish for other people to write where their message is atleast understandable.

Not in leet. XD

Slykaz1 04-28-2008 06:02 PM

Ummm....what they hay is "leet"?

I hear in my head "i" before "e" except after "c" when I try to write :


arrrg! I hate grammer...!!!!

DesiredMess 04-28-2008 06:03 PM

^That's actually a good point there. Those rules always mix me up. >_< Especially when they say it's always applied, then under it have about ten thousand exception words.

AmbeRz 04-28-2008 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by Slykaz1 (Post 475497)
arrrg! I hate grammer...!!!!

Its spelled 'grammar' :D
Or was that E there on purpose? xD

Suki 04-28-2008 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by Slykaz1 (Post 475497)
arrrg! I hate grammer...!!!!

What, again??!! It's grammar! Jeez lol

DesiredMess 04-28-2008 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by Suki (Post 475506)
What, again??!! It's grammar! Jeez lol

Haha!! Was that on purpose? XD

Slykaz1 04-28-2008 06:16 PM

*sheepish* yeah.....

grammar...gosh that reminds me....Grandma Josefine, was this "grammar" freak. She would smack me everytime I wrote something incorrectly. Or if I spoke wrong. She once smacked me for saying "ain't" in a sentence...according to her...it is not a word. Isn't was the proper indication...I guess I hate grammer because of her.... :D

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