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EveV 04-17-2008 09:22 PM

III attempt grammar but you know thing is, I am just really bad at it. o.o
And English is my first language u.u..

Amnell 04-17-2008 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by MissMisa (Post 463923)
I'm normally the same. I don't assume it's a teenager for the pure fact I'm 17 and that would be slightly hypocritical, but I usually think it's some random 12 year old who stumbled acorss this forum on Myspace, I've seen it advertised on there previously.

EXACTLY. Things like:

"i hav read the hole thred n liek, i think u all r juss a buncha jerks."

make me assume automatically that I'm talking to someone under the age of sixteen ("under").

Amnell 04-17-2008 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by AmbeRz (Post 463925)
I hate it when people write big paragraphs but dont use punctuation so the sentence never seems to end then you end up getting all confused cause they suddenly start talking about something else when your still thinking about the sentence you just read i mean is it really that time consuming to put a couple of commas in there?.....and I like using capital letters in the correct places, it makes it look neater. xD

Lmao. Well put!

Kenpachi11 04-17-2008 09:28 PM

my excuse is that i horrible in english.

EveV 04-17-2008 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by Amnell (Post 463932)
EXACTLY. Things like:

"i hav read the hole thred n liek, i think u all r juss a buncha jerks."

make me assume automatically that I'm talking to someone under the age of sixteen ("under").

I agree.
That's a huge pet peeve of mine. x.x
I mean if you have to think about what you're reading because it's such bad grammar, there's an issue. :/
Typing is not that hard.

Amnell 04-17-2008 09:32 PM

Kenpachi: If you would write the same way you would speak to the governor of GA, it would probably come out a lot better.

Even better, you're writing a letter to the governor and you want him to really consider what you have to say (which means he has to take you seriously).

ilovedaisuke7 04-17-2008 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by Amnell (Post 463932)
EXACTLY. Things like:

"i hav read the hole thred n liek, i think u all r juss a buncha jerks."

make me assume automatically that I'm talking to someone under the age of sixteen ("under").

I agree. That's drives me insane! That's probably why a lot people on this forum think I'm older than 16, cause I tend to write in perfect grammar.
Although sometimes, I'll forget a period, or forget to capitalize something.
Oh and on AIM I usually don't capitalize the first letter of the sentence, but on forums and other places, I really try to have good grammar. ^^

Kenpachi11 04-17-2008 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by Amnell (Post 463946)
Kenpachi: If you would write the same way you would speak to the governor of GA, it would probably come out a lot better.

Even better, you're writing a letter to the governor and you want him to really consider what you have to say (which means he has to take you seriously).

lol i probably wouldnt. and anyway the governor wouldnt listen to what ppl says. they are like all the other politicians.

Amnell 04-17-2008 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by Kenpachi11 (Post 463955)
lol i probably wouldnt. and anyway the governor wouldnt listen to what ppl says. they are like all the other politicians.

Well, if you look at it that way, I guess you won't ever improve :P . Sounds like you don't much care, though, so no biggie:rolleyes: .

Excessum 04-17-2008 10:08 PM

I am a grammar Nazi when it comes to my native language... mostly due to my profession which requires me to use perfect grammar at all times. So it kind of grows into the bone, i guess. When i am writing in other languages, however, especially in informal atmosphere (e.g. internet forums), i am not as strict. Still, i do (try to) watch my spelling and punctuation, although i am too lazy to read through the whole post after i have finished typing, so there may be some mistakes here and there. So i guess that i go under the category "I try to use good grammar... usually".

One more thing... in my country, especially within the communities of people of my age and older (thus excluding the ignorant and undisciplined teenagers and alike), it is common to dispraise improper grammar, so it drives people to be more careful and think about the way they speak and write. We are thought that we show disrespect to our mother language by not learning how to use it properly, thus it is expected from us to know it in perfection. We are used to the idea that everyone must know their native language as good as we know ours and i have to admit that usage of false grammar may devastate my first impression of a person, if i know that i am speaking with him in his mother language.

Yet there seems to be even bigger problem that i have seen in a lot of places all over the internet. The people seem to have lost the ability to clearly express their thoughts, which i think is by far worse than bad grammar.
Chaotic sentence structures, illogical synonyms and often complete lack of any kind of any structure in texts often renders them abstruse and unreadable.

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