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Amnell 04-17-2008 07:36 PM

I was just cruisin' around the board when I started to wonder: people online tend to type like they're illiterate, so how literate are they really?

The word "illiterate" here has the meaning of writing a post that ignores standard grammatical conventions, fails to use proper spelling, over-uses such abbreviations as 'ppl' and 'gr8', and for RP posts only, fails to succesfully incorporate action and dialogue into a seamless narrative without the use of hundreds of asterisks while also ignoring the all-important description.

I'm aware that when it comes to being online, a lot of it is just laziness. I have encountered people before, however, that simply don't know the difference between grammar and their ass (and frankly don't care, in some cases). I'm also aware that there are non-native speakers of English here. What's funny about that is that of the non-native speakers I know about, 95% percent of them have a better grasp of the English language than many of the native speakers on JF. Actually, that's sad, not funny <_<; .

So how literate is JF? Remember, I'm talking about writing ability, not reading level.

MissMisa 04-17-2008 07:38 PM

I don't tend to write in much slang, only a small bit on MSN suchs as 'Whatcha up ta?' and that's probably the extent of it.

In our school now they are starting up literacy classes for like 14-16 year olds because they seriously don't know any other way to write except in slang form.

I got an A* in my English Literature GCSE and an A in my Language so I suppose I must have decent grammer.

Oh and, about people who write in slang, I tend to be really judgemental about them. I look at the slang text and instantly think 'idiot doesn't know how to write.' But that's just me. I tend to not even read posts that say 'Hi ppl wuu2 im new here lol.'

Ayame90 04-17-2008 07:41 PM

I write in slang, but i'm not illiterate.

AmbeRz 04-17-2008 07:45 PM

I rarely use it. I prefer to write properly...when people write in slang all the time, it makes them look less intelligent than they maybe are. :rolleyes:

Slykaz1 04-17-2008 07:46 PM

Oh how funny...I say "Waz up?" :d

I'm just learning the internet language. And think it's great that ppl here use abreviations. I for one feel embarrased that I can't seem to do the same.

illiterate or not does it really matter? I for one really don't care....cuz it's fun to learn. And besides it has taken me since I've joined, to "iliterate" :D

Can't wait to "read" Tenchu's, MMM's and some other debaters...opinion on this one. :D

Amnell 04-17-2008 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by MissMisa (Post 463728)
Oh and, about people who write in slang, I tend to be really judgemental about them. I look at the slang text and instantly think 'idiot doesn't know how to write.' But that's just me. I tend to not even read posts that say 'Hi ppl wuu2 im new here lol.'

I get the same way... It's sort of like talking to someone in person who says the f word, you know, a LOT.


Originally Posted by ayame90
I write in slang, but i'm not illiterate.

Do you write in slang because it's easier?

MissMisa 04-17-2008 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by Amnell (Post 463745)
I get the same way... It's sort of like talking to someone in person who says the f word, you know, a LOT.

Do you write in slang because it's easier?

Yeah >.<

Slang comes naturally to some people but for me it's 100 times easier to write properly. If I were to try and write slang I actually have to think about it more.

Ayame90 04-17-2008 07:50 PM

Just because someone may use slang, does not mean they are illiterate or dumb. I use slang. When i talk and when i write. I write alot of short stories and poems, so my writing is up to par.

Amnell 04-17-2008 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Slykaz1 (Post 463744)
Oh how funny...I say "Waz up?" :d

I'm just learning the internet language. And think it's great that ppl here use abreviations. I for one feel embarrased that I can't seem to do the same.

illiterate or not does it really matter? I for one really don't care....cuz it's fun to learn. And besides it has taken me since I've joined, to "iliterate" :D

Can't wait to "read" Tenchu's, MMM's and some other debaters...opinion on this one. :D


Yeah, when I first started into chat rooms, I quickly learned all the abbreviations, acronyms, anime smilies, and slang terms. Then when I started on forums, I found out that using them in an intelligent conversation is a detriment to your position.

The big break for me from low literacy to "better" literacy was when I started learning Spanish, oddly enough. I found that understanding grammar in a different language helped me understand my own language's grammar better o_O . Odd, I know.

And don't feel embarrased.

Literacy matters... depending on what you're talking about and to whom. If someone like MMM completely ignored grammar, I wouldn't debate with him. Ever. I would think he was too stupid to REALLY know what he was talking about, and I would most likely get the impression that he was a twelve year old mimiking the things his parents tell him. I also don't like to RP with people who don't at least act like they have some semblance of literacy.

I know that sounds elitist of me, but hey :P .

MissMisa 04-17-2008 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by Ayame90 (Post 463751)
Just because someone may use slang, does not mean they are illiterate or dumb. I use slang. When i talk and when i write. I write alot of short stories and poems, so my writing is up to par.

I know that's the case. But I can't help instantly looking at a piece of slang text and thinking that way, it's just a habit now.

Why do people write in slang in the first place and why is it easier? Just because it's about 3 seconds quicker?

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