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AmbeRz 04-21-2008 11:22 AM

I dont think he should receive capital punishment if he killed a cat.

forgotenmemory 04-21-2008 12:29 PM

Okay, all you people are kind of annoying me, well, not all of you, but the ones that are getting mad about animal abuse, why don't you do anything if you care so much?

NightChilde25 04-21-2008 12:31 PM

I agree with Pumpum. If someone brutally kills an animal I think they should get the same punishment if it were a human they had killed. People that abuse animals sicken me. They have feelings too. If anyone thinks they are not feeling, thinking, creatures then they have not spent anytime with one. It has become a felony here to abuse an animal. I'm glad of that but I still think more should be done. Most serial killers start off by torturing and killing animals, so would it not make sense to stop these monsters before they move on to humans?

Forgottenmemory, I actually do my part to prevent this. I support the aspca and I've written to so many state officials on this matter that they probably roll their eyes everytime they see an envelope with my handwriting on it. LOL. I go to every function I can find that support the cause. Speaking out against animal cruelty is doing something as well. If stopping animal cruelty were as easy as going up and punching someone out, there would be no problem. It's not. You can't be everywhere. All you can do is work to change laws and heighten awareness, support your local aspca and help where and when you can.

forgotenmemory 04-21-2008 12:42 PM

Then you should be dead now, Childe, because when you drive, or when someone else drivs you, your killing insects, which are animals. Or when you walk on grass, your most likely stomping on a bug. Think the same?

yuujirou 04-21-2008 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by NightChilde25 (Post 467519)
I agree with Pumpum. If someone brutally kills an animal I think they should get the same punishment if it were a human they had killed. People that abuse animals sicken me. They have feelings too. If anyone thinks they are not feeling, thinking, creatures then they have not spent anytime with one. It has become a felony here to abuse an animal. I'm glad of that but I still think more should be done. Most serial killers start off by torturing and killing animals, so would it not make sense to stop these monsters before they move on to humans?

Forgottenmemory, I actually do my part to prevent this. I support the aspca and I've written to so many state officials on this matter that they probably roll their eyes everytime they see an envelope with my handwriting on it. LOL. I go to every function I can find that support the cause. Speaking out against animal cruelty is doing something as well. If stopping animal cruelty were as easy as going up and punching someone out, there would be no problem. It's not. You can't be everywhere. All you can do is work to change laws and heighten awareness, support your local aspca and help where and when you can.

wow.... x]
that's qiute admirable ._.''''

forgotenmemory 04-21-2008 01:25 PM

Indeed, admirable. ^^

AmbeRz 04-21-2008 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by forgotenmemory (Post 467526)
Then you should be dead now, Childe, because when you drive, or when someone else drivs you, your killing insects, which are animals. Or when you walk on grass, your most likely stomping on a bug. Think the same?

But thats different. You cant help that. You can't stop yourself from stepping on ants xD But if you kill an animal on purpose, thats a different story.

forgotenmemory 04-21-2008 01:30 PM

Lol, true, true, but that can be helped. There is a religion, of some sort, that doesn't beleive in hurting for anything. They don't even step on grass. Now that amazing.

AmbeRz 04-21-2008 01:30 PM

Thats weird. Now if only humans could fly..:D

forgotenmemory 04-21-2008 01:33 PM

Planes. Lol. :D

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