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Nki 05-08-2008 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by Excessum (Post 483911)
And unfortunately, this disease has been spreading over the whole world.
Call me a conspiracy theorist, if you like, but it pretty much looks like the government(s) is (are) closer than ever to their goal of converting their subjects in-to a horde of brainless sheep.

I dont see this like a "Disease" at all...
and nope, you are not a terrorist at all... I guess you are a "victim" of terrorist since you think "government(s) is (are) closer than ever to their goal of converting their subjects in-to a horde of brainless sheep"... that is just a "MEDIA TERROR INFORMATION"... dont be scared dude... stand up and pround, be yourself, you dont seem a sheep at all :D


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 483916)
But 2/3 of kids have had their grades hurt by chat talk? That's an epidemic.

Who say that? what is the source of this information?.. the numbers are handle by "Someone" for his own "benefit"...
but.. in case this is true and "bad"... should be shamed one kid using chat to express himself?... since when grades are that important?

I guess a bran new generation is rising... and it will be the most beautyful generation ever...(I guess)... why? because yesterday I was able to expres my feelings to a girl in a distant horizont...

yesterday a brand new friend in Australia teach me something new:

australian guy: "hi"
nki: "hi, where are you from?"
australian guy: "australia"
nki: lol
australian guy: "why did you lol??"
australian guy: "why did you lol??"
nki: "I dont know.. since I think lol is something like :eek: I lol...
nki: "What does lol mean to you?"
australian guy: "ha. ok. lol is a expression of loud laught"
nki: "ohayo.. I dont mean to laught.. I was :eek: since you are australian.

what is my point here? NONE.. it was just a experience I have yesterday.. not being australian, I learn how to lol from myself..


noodle 05-08-2008 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y (Post 484466)
Wow, from the way you write your English its hard to imagine you having a problem with it :cool:
I guess that is the problem with public schooling. The heart is there but the money to bring about solutions, isn't.

It was strange... at first, I was the guy that didn't speak English, but as time went by, I was the outcast from not speaking like "safe bruv, howz it goin"! Today, my mates appreciate that I never tried to be something that I wasn't... Most teens seemed to go through phases, but I was always confused, so I stayed myself which ended up making me an outcast. lol!!

Today though, I don't have any problems with English... It's history now... Of course I can always improve it, because I am still unable to write at the level of journalists or writers, but I doubt I will ever reach that level... It seems like I've reached a halt!!

ivi0nk3y 05-08-2008 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by noodle (Post 484471)
It was strange... at first, I was the guy that didn't speak English, but as time went by, I was the outcast from not speaking like "safe bruv, howz it goin"! Today, my mates appreciate that I never tried to be something that I wasn't... Most teens seemed to go through phases, but I was always confused, so I stayed myself which ended up making me an outcast. lol!!

Today though, I don't have any problems with English... It's history now... Of course I can always improve it, because I am still unable to write at the level of journalists or writers, but I doubt I will ever reach that level... It seems like I've reached a halt!!

Well probably in terms of language you have but that doesn't mean you can't continue to get new ideas and things and convey those messages :cool:

MMM 05-08-2008 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by chibiloli93 (Post 484353)
academically, the standards have increased, now students graduating after 2010, have to have more credits to graduate and we have to take more required courses...it sort of sucks, but in the long run it'll be good for us...im graduating the year of 2011, so yeah...

Really? I regularly wrote 5 to 10 page essays in high school and college, and now I hear about people complaining about having to write a one page paper. Recently one high-schooler was complaing about having to give a THREE MINUTE SPEECH. I put together several 15 minute presentations in high school and in college.

MMM 05-08-2008 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by Nki (Post 484467)

Who say that? what is the source of this information?.. the numbers are handle by "Someone" for his own "benefit"...
but.. in case this is true and "bad"... should be shamed one kid using chat to express himself?... since when grades are that important?


No. Read the first post. These are numbers by an independant research company, and a very highly respected one, at that.

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