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Kiyuge 05-24-2008 01:50 AM

Gasoline Prices
Gas prices are out of controll. They say that they are going to be at least $6 a gallon by the end of the summer. o__o; By the time I can drive I wont be able to afford it. I think airlines will be the first to shut down. Now American Airlines are charging you $15 to bring an extra bag with you... I think this is going to harsh on the future. In my oppinion is that once people start boycotting and refusing to buy gas the people selling it will keep it for themselves... Personaly I think its a little scary at how angry the people I know are getting at the gasonline prices.

What is everyones veiws on the Gas Prices?

Nyororin 05-24-2008 02:00 AM

You have them much better than in Japan.

I checked, and it appears that the current average in the US is $3.90 a gallon. Rising, but not all that bad.

Here in Japan, I`m paying $6 a gallon NOW, and we expect it to hit $8 in the next few months...

Kiyuge 05-24-2008 02:02 AM


Originally Posted by Nyororin (Post 496381)
You have them much better than in Japan.

I checked, and it appears that the current average in the US is $3.90 a gallon. Rising, but not all that bad.

Here in Japan, I`m paying $6 a gallon NOW, and we expect it to hit $8 in the next few months...

Ouch... That sounds like bad... Yeaaahhh... Im not going to be able to afford to drive... Unless I drive a scooter o__o; Or carpool with a bunch of my friends.... >>;

Nyororin 05-24-2008 02:14 AM


Originally Posted by Kiyuge (Post 496382)
Ouch... That sounds like bad... Yeaaahhh... Im not going to be able to afford to drive... Unless I drive a scooter o__o; Or carpool with a bunch of my friends.... >>;

Get a car with decent mileage, don`t drive if it`s unnecessary, and don`t leave the car running while parked.

We fill our car 3 times a month at about $50 a tank. We drive quite frequently.
It`s not that horribly expensive, which is why it irritates me a bit when people in the US cry about $3 something a gallon gas. Use common sense, and you can manage. People use WAY too much gas to begin with. (SUVs.... for one example)

MMM 05-24-2008 03:18 AM


Originally Posted by Nyororin (Post 496387)
Get a car with decent mileage, don`t drive if it`s unnecessary, and don`t leave the car running while parked.

We fill our car 3 times a month at about $50 a tank. We drive quite frequently.
It`s not that horribly expensive, which is why it irritates me a bit when people in the US cry about $3 something a gallon gas. Use common sense, and you can manage. People use WAY too much gas to begin with. (SUVs.... for one example)

It's not really fair to say "We have it so much worse because we pay XXX a gallon." because the American economy (like many other world economies) is hurt in so many ways with the price of gas doubles in two years. This effects the price of food and milk, which has gone up noticeably, the price of airline tickets, just about everything. So it's not only the price of gasoline going up but the price of everything that uses or is transported by gas. In a place like Japan it is a lot easier for many citizens to live a gas-free lifestyle, and i think that is commendable, but the US is 25 times larger than Japan, and for many people living without a car simply isn't an option.

But on the other hand, there have already been good results. Our president just went to Saudi Arabia and got on his hands and knees and begged them to make more gas. Their response? Not interested. It really showed aware Americans that we DEPEND on people that are barely our allies to keep our country funtioning. A lot of Americans are taking notice, and some that scoffed at alternative fuels are now seeing that we need to find ways to be more self-sufficient and not depend on foriegn oil so much.

People are already starting to use less oil and use more alternative fuels. People are starting to dump their SUVs and, I believe, Toyota is the number 1 selling car manufacturer in the US now. Just like anywhere else, people don't change until it affects them personally and that is starting to happen now. It may cost you 50 dollars to fill your car in Japan, but it costs me $75. Like I said, this is almost double from two years ago, and I remember when I could fill it for about $20. So, like you suggest, I am looking at getting a more fuel efficient car (I drive a '94 Jeep, which I love, but it's embarrassingly innefficient).

So, Americans are going to get more efficient cars. The laws are changing to require more fuel-efficient cars. No one believes the American car makers that say that can't make a decent 50-mile-per-gallon car because the Japanese and Europeans are doing just that (sometimes much higher, even). SUVs that were 50,000 dollars in winter are now selling for 30,000 or less. Dealerships know this gas-guzzlers are lemons, and they need to dump them. So change is happening...and quicker than you might expect from America.

Kayci 05-24-2008 03:58 AM

I think more bigger cities should use less gas, like new york.

I mean, think about all of the traffic jams where you spend an hour or so with your car ON. that wastes gas.

During long lines in traffic or fast food, my parents both turn their cars off when they know it'll take awhile. No longer can we afford to sit fifteen minutes with the car on waiting for mexican pizzas or chicken nuggets.

That helps, plus I take bus more often, or I walk. My homeplace is half city, half town...part of it's spread, other all packed.
i know japan and europe has it high...but they're more of walking countries. Ms. Nyororin may drive frequently with her family, but it's not as a big deal as america makes it to be for herself, I believe.

A lot of my japanese friends I know take train, ride bike, or walk how many blocks it takes, rather than use their parents or their own car.

About the american prices, I think 15 dollars on airflight per extra bag is a bit much. Ten, I could understand...but...yeah. Price of food going up is harsh for my region too, since we used to be known for farming...
I'm afraid for our economy still.
Not to mention all the house trouble. I feel another depression folks.
Just our luck xD;

KikiBunny23 05-24-2008 04:23 AM


Originally Posted by Kayci (Post 496411)
I think more bigger cities should use less gas, like new york.

I mean, think about all of the traffic jams where you spend an hour or so with your car ON. that wastes gas.

During long lines in traffic or fast food, my parents both turn their cars off when they know it'll take awhile. No longer can we afford to sit fifteen minutes with the car on waiting for mexican pizzas or chicken nuggets.

That helps, plus I take bus more often, or I walk. My homeplace is half city, half town...part of it's spread, other all packed.
i know japan and europe has it high...but they're more of walking countries. Ms. Nyororin may drive frequently with her family, but it's not as a big deal as america makes it to be for herself, I believe.

A lot of my japanese friends I know take train, ride bike, or walk how many blocks it takes, rather than use their parents or their own car.

About the american prices, I think 15 dollars on airflight per extra bag is a bit much. Ten, I could understand...but...yeah. Price of food going up is harsh for my region too, since we used to be known for farming...
I'm afraid for our economy still.
Not to mention all the house trouble. I feel another depression folks.
Just our luck xD;

Think of Alabama...we have a lot of farming but the pprice still goes up. The U.S. is relying on places like Alabama and Tennessee for crop and its hard for just like 5 or 6 states supply for 50.
And I'm prooly going to get a motorcycle because I don't like cars and I would be able to get my liscence in two months instead of 3years.

MMM 05-24-2008 04:41 AM

Where I live we get our oil from Alaska (as far as I understand), so we should be cheaper then the rest of the country, as we don't have to worry about hurricanes and Saudi oil.

Don't work like that.

The nearest station to my house is selling regular at $4.29...but I can find it at under $4 a little ways away.

yuujirou 05-24-2008 04:44 AM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 496429)
Where I live we get our oil from Alaska (as far as I understand), so we should be cheaper then the rest of the country, as we don't have to worry about hurricanes and Saudi oil.

Don't work like that.

The nearest station to my house is selling regular at $4.29...but I can find it at under $4 a little ways away.

holy sh =.='''''

gas just hit 3.79 tonight =.='''

and last night the gas was 3.63 =.=''''''

buying gas has almost become like playing the stock market =.='''
best times to buy gas.....

MMM 05-24-2008 05:01 AM


Originally Posted by yuujirou (Post 496431)
holy sh =.='''''

gas just hit 3.79 tonight =.='''

and last night the gas was 3.63 =.=''''''

buying gas has almost become like playing the stock market =.='''
best times to buy gas.....

The cheapest gas in America is the gas you buy right now.

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